
  1. 超导直线加速器(SCL)效率高,束流损失少,是ADS加速器的最佳选择。

    The superconducting linac ( SCL ) is a good selection of ADS accelerator because of its high efficiency and low beam loss rate .

  2. 对超导直线加速器的分段进行了详细的研究。

    Study on the section-division of superconducting proton linac is carried out in detail .

  3. 该放大器为独立相位超导直线加速器的中β超导腔提供微波功率而开发,具有高效率、线性度好、可靠性高以及低成本的特点。

    High efficiency , linearity , reliability and low cost are the main features for this device , which is developed for intermediate beta , independently phased superconducting cavity linacs .

  4. 超导质子直线加速器的分段研究

    Study on the Section-Division of Superconducting Proton Linac