
  • 网络divergence;Mrad;mard
  1. 与单模或多模光纤相比,光纤准直器的光束平行度更高、光束发散角更小(小于0.25度)、工作距离更长(约10cm)、光束耦合效率对入射角更敏感。

    Compared to the single-mode fiber and multi-mode fiber , collimator has higher parallel light beam , smaller beam divergence ( 0.25 °), longer working distance (~ 10cm ) and higher sensitivity coupling efficiency .

  2. 为解决这一问题,提出了降低垂直结平面发散角的要求。

    To solve this problem , it was suggested to reduce the vertical-junction divergence .

  3. 基于线阵CCD的LED光功率及发散角的自动测试

    Automatic Test of LED Optical Power and Divergence Angle Based on Linear CCD

  4. 精确测量YAG激光1.06μm光束发散角的一种方法

    A method for accuracy measuring 1 06 μ m YAG laser divergence

  5. 利用CCD准确测量激光远场发散角

    Exact measurement of the far field divergence of the laser beam using CCD camera

  6. 最后一章,研究了LED与光纤的耦合问题,提出了几种关于改善LED光束发散角和提高LED与光纤耦合效率的方法。

    It puts forward some methods to improve beam divergence angle of LED and the coupling efficiency between LED and optical fiber .

  7. 测量了Raman激光的发散角和抖动,研究了发散角和抖动对双波长激光测距的影响,提高了测距回波率;

    Meanwhile the divergence and wobbling of Raman laser have been measured to research their ranging effect .

  8. 声表面波在Bragg声栅上衍射的偏转声束的发散角

    On the angular spread of the deflected surface acoustic wave beam diffracted by Bragg grating

  9. 同时,如果不考虑微透镜的衍射效率,当球面折射微透镜的F数越大,高斯光束经过准直变换后的远场发散角越小。

    If diffractive efficiency is not considered , the numerical results show that larger f number microlens has smaller divergence angle .

  10. 基于Delphi的高斯光束发散角测量数据实时处理软件开发

    Real-time Data Processing Software Development in Measuring the Divergence Angle of Gaussian Beam Based on Delphi

  11. TEM(01)模He-Ne激光束的发散角的测定

    The Measurement of Divergence Angle of TEM_ ( 01 ) Beam for Beam for He-Ne Laser

  12. 测量He-Ne激光3.39μm光束发散角的偏光干涉法

    Methods and Apparatus of Polarization Light Interference for Measuring He-Ne 3.39 μ m Laser Beam Divergence

  13. He-Ne激光束远场发散角的精确测量及误差分析

    Exact Measure and Error Analysis of Far - field Divergence Angle of He-Ne Laser Beams

  14. 推导出了其束宽、远场发散角、M2因子、K参数,以及偏振度P的解析式等的重要光束特征参数。

    The closed expressions of beam width , far field divergence , M2 factor , K parameter and degree of polarization are also derived . 6 .

  15. 用KDP晶体测量激光发散角

    Measurement of laser beam divergence by using of KDP crystal

  16. 针对将大发散角LED的光高效会聚到光纤接收端面的需求,提出了一种椭球面和聚光透镜组合光学系统设计的思路。

    With large divergence angle LED light efficiently converges at the optical fiber receiving end demand , an ellipsoid and focusing lens combination optical system design method is proposed .

  17. 本文论述了LED光源的设计理论与设计原则,归纳出收集效率、光学扩展量、发散角以及均匀性等技术指标,阐述了投影光源的设计方法和设计步骤。

    In this thesis , the theories and principles of optical design are discussed . The qualification is generalized into several aspects as collection efficiency , etendue , beam angle and uniformity .

  18. 为了满足大功率半导体激光束在照明领域的应用要求,经常需要对LD光束发散角进行变换。

    In order to make the high power laser beam meet the illumination requirement , the beam divergence always need to be changed .

  19. 系统采用CCD器件作为检测的主探测器,为实现远场发散角测量,专门设计了增程组件。

    This system uses CCD device as the main detector , to realize the measurement of far field and divergence angle , and design components for increasing optical path .

  20. 简述了激光光束的基本参数及特性,并介绍了采用CCD进行激光发散角测量的基本原理和装置。

    This paper demonstrated the basic parameters and characteristics of laser beam , and introduced the basic principles and the devices used in the CCD laser divergence angle measurement method .

  21. 本文提出的激光隧道断面放样方法,包括平移物镜扫描,光束发散角的压缩,扫描光点的计算机数字控制(CNC),光电零位恢复装置,及仪器精确定位方法。

    The laser lofting technique includes objective scanning , decreasing the beam divergence angle , computer numerical control ( CNC ) of scanning , optoelectronic resetting of zero and precise orientation of instrument .

  22. 采用平凹稳定谐振腔观察到了486nm的兰色激光振荡,最大激光输出功率为130μW,发散角为28mrad。

    The laser oscillation of the emission at 486 nm was observed with a flat-concave stable resonator . The maximum laser power measured was 130 μ W and the divergent angle was 28 mrad .

  23. 我们使用光功率计测量激光的脉冲功率,使用CCD成像法对光束发散角进行测量,使用光谱仪获得激光器的光谱特性。

    Practically , we use optical meter to test the power of the laser pulse , acquire the spectrum of the laser with spectrum instrument , use CCD method to test the divergence angle .

  24. DLA远场出现了3个瓣,每瓣发散角为10mrad左右;

    The far field pattern has 3 lobes , and the divergence of each lobe is about 10 mrad .

  25. 证明了望远镜型共焦非稳谐振腔是压缩OPO光束发散角的有效方法。

    The Cassegrainian unstable resonator has been demonstrated to be one of efficient means to decrease the OPO beam divergence .

  26. 进而又开展了激光谐振腔稳定性研究,通过实验研究了大能量光栅调谐TEACO2激光器的输出能量、光束指向和远场发散角等参数的变化,分析和总结了影响激光谐振腔稳定性的因素。

    In order to investigate the resonator stability of large-energy grating tunable TEA CO_2 laser , its output energy stability , beam pointing stability and far-field divergence angle stability are measured respectively and the factors affecting the stability are analyzed .

  27. 由于横向抽运的DPSSL输出光束在两个垂直方向上有不同的发散角,把一对平行放置的柱透镜置于谐振腔内,形成一种可以改善激光器输出光束质量的新型谐振腔。

    A novel resonator with two parallel cylindrical lenses is reported to improve the beam quality factor .

  28. 抽运功率密度的变化对Stokes出射光束的发散角几乎没有影响,通过控制Stokes种子光束的发散角可以获得高光束质量的输出激光。

    The change of pump power density hardly affects the divergence of Stokes output , and high quality Stokes output could be obtained by controlling the divergence of Stokes seed beam .

  29. 但是由于大功率LDA特殊的有源区波导结构,使得输出的光束在快慢轴上发散角比较大,光束质量也相差很大。

    However , because of special wave-guide structure , angles and quality of the beam in the fast axis is greatly different from those in the slow axis .

  30. 管芯功率达到440mW以上,饱和电流3A以上,峰值波长1430nm,远场发散角为40°×14°。

    The output power above 440 mW and the saturation current above 3 A have been achieved . The measured far-field divergence angle is 40 °× 14 ° .