
  • 网络evolution equation;kdv
  1. Banach空间非线性发展方程的B解

    The B-Solution of Nonlinear Evolution Equation in Banach Space

  2. Banach空间中线性发展方程的初值最优控制问题

    The Initial Optimal Control for the Linear Evolution Equation in Banach Space X

  3. 一类非线性发展方程的AGE并行数值方法

    The AGE Numerical Parallel Method for a Class of Nonlinear Evolution Equations

  4. 发展方程的时间依赖对称的Lie代数结构

    The lie algebra structures of time dependent symmetries of evolution equations

  5. 利用Lie对称约化非线性发展方程

    Using the Properties of Lie Groups Symmetry Reduce Nonlinear Evolution Equations

  6. C0类半群的稳定性和Hilbert空间中的随机发展方程

    Stability of C_0-semigroups and stochastic evolution equations in hilbert spaces

  7. Banach空间中半线性混合型发展方程的解

    Solutions of Semilinear Evolution Equations of Mixed Type in Banach Spaces

  8. 非线性发展方程的小模板简化Padé格式

    Small-Stencil Pad é Schemes to Solve Nonlinear Evolution Equations

  9. 耗散型发展方程的一步Newton法

    One step Newton method for dissipative evolutionary equations

  10. 解发展方程的弱逼近Galerkin方法

    The weak approximation and Galerkin method for solving the evolution equations

  11. TA可积发展方程族的换位表示

    Commutation Representations of the TA-Integrable Evolution Equation Hierarchy

  12. 依赖时间的发展方程全离散Galerkin解的误差估计

    The Error Estimates for Fully Discrete Galerkin Approximation for Time-dependent Evolution Equations

  13. KdV型矩阵发展方程的对称及其Lie代数

    The symmetries and its lie algebra for the matrix evolution equation of KdV type

  14. 得到了针对两种不同损伤模型A和B的脆性损伤发展方程、脆性损伤本构方程和脆性损伤应变能释放率模型。

    Brittle damage evolution equation , constitutive equation and strain energy release rate model against two damage models A and B respectively have been given in this paper .

  15. Hilbert空间上一类非线性随机发展方程

    A Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equation in Hilbert Space

  16. 非自反Banach空间中的非线性发展方程

    Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Non-reflexive Banach Spaces

  17. 一族发展方程的无穷维Hamilton结构

    Infinite Hamilton structure of an evolution equation hierarchy

  18. 一种寻求发展方程族Lax表示的新途径

    A new approach for finding lax representations of evolution equation hierarchies

  19. 抽象拟线性发展方程的Cauchy问题

    On the Cauchy problem of abstract quasilinear evolution equation

  20. 这种方法利用非线性发展方程孤立波的局部性特点,把非线性方程的孤波解表示为函数f和g的多项式。

    With the local character of solitary wave , the solution of a nonlinear equation was written as the polynomial of function f and g.

  21. 给出一类非线性发展方程的AGE方法,并得到该方法的无条件稳定性,并行性兼顾的结果和计算实。

    The AGE ( Alternating Group Explicit ) numerical parallel method is given for a class of nonlinear evolution equations , and derived the result of unconditionally stable and parallel .

  22. Banach空间上的随机发展方程

    Random Evolution Equation on Banach Space

  23. 发展方程的并行GALERKIN区域分解方法

    Parallel GALERKIN Domain Decomposition Procedures for Evolution Equations

  24. 新的Lax可积发展方程族及其无限维双-哈密顿结构

    New lax integrable hierarchy of evolution equations and its infinite-dimensional bi-hamiltonian structure

  25. 非时齐非Lipschitz条件下带跳的随机发展方程mild解的存在惟一性

    Existence and uniqueness of mild solutions of stochastic evolution equation with jumps and non-Lipschitz and non-time-homogeneous coefficients

  26. 非Lipschitz系数的倒向半线性随机发展方程的适度解

    Adapted Solution of a Backward Semilinear Stochastic Evolution Equation with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients

  27. Geng族可积发展方程的Lax表示

    The Lax Representation for the Geng Hierarchy of Integrable Evolution Equations

  28. 发展方程族Lax表示的广义结构

    Generalized Structure of Lax Representations for Nonlinear Evolution Equation

  29. 非线性发展方程的丰富的Jacobi椭圆函数解

    Abundant Jacobi elliptic function solutions of nonlinear evolution equations

  30. 一类拟线性发展方程解的Blow-up

    Blow-up of Solution of a Class of Quasilinear Evolution Equation