
  • 网络emissivity
  1. 发射率是描述物体发射本领的参数,又称辐射率,该参数在反应物体间热辐射交换及物体表面温度特性方面具有重要的应用价值。

    Emissivity is a parameter to describe the emission ability of the object also called emission rate , which has important application value in the reaction of thermal exchange and surface temperature feature of the objects .

  2. 这种温度计从设计原理上看,可以不因物体表面发射本领的变化而影响表面真实温度的测量。

    It can be applied to measure the true temperature of the surface of objects .

  3. 本文通过对黑体辐射发射本领的计算机图象分析,得出了与实验事实完全一致的结论。

    With the analysis of computerized pictures of the transmitting capacity of blackbody radiation , the present article arrives at a conclusion which is completely consistent with the pictures obtained in the experiment of blackbody radiation .

  4. 改善场发射扫描电镜分辨本领的原理和展望

    Principle and prospect to improve the resolution of field emission scanning electron microscope