
  • 网络path of discovery
  1. 人的自我发现之路&欧洲文学启示录之一

    Person 's Self-discovery Road & One of European Literature Revelations

  2. 异化:艺术家的自我发现之路&对《一位青年艺术家的肖像》的解读

    Alienation : Artist 's Way of Self Discovery & Analysis of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

  3. 在今天的世界应该说“创造一个只有你能满足的需要”然后你就会发现你的财富之路。

    In today 's world it should read " Create a need that only you can fill . " Then you 'll be on your way to wealth .

  4. 现而今,人们发现,“茶之路”在沟通中外文化所起的作用上,不比“丝稠之路”逊色。

    It has now been found that the " Tea Road " played as an important a role in the communication between Chinese and foreign cultures as the " Silk Road " did .

  5. 随着士绅们逐渐培养起对洋货的品味,当他们中的某些人在与西方贸易的过程中发现新的发财之路时,他们便会开始用收取地租和利息得来的钱去购买洋货。

    As the gentry developed tastes for Western goods , while some of them found new sources for wealth in trading with the West , they came to spend their profits realized in rent or interest on Western products .