
shǒu zhàn gào jié
  • win the first battle
首战告捷 [shǒu zhàn gào jié]
  • [win the first battle] 第一仗就取得胜利

首战告捷[shǒu zhàn gào jié]
  1. 鉴于Pebble首战告捷,米基科夫斯基可能要对这种事习以为常了。

    Given its initial success , Migicovsky may want to get used to such encounters .

  2. 即便如此,AlphaGo电脑在古老的中国棋盘游戏——围棋的对垒中击败韩国九段棋手李世石(LeeSedol),在五局“人机对战”中首战告捷,不仅标志着电脑荣誉板上的一个新档次。

    Even so , the triumph of the AlphaGo computer over the South Korean world champion Lee Se-dol in the first of a five-match series in the ancient Chinese board game of Go marks more than just a new notch on the computerised honours board .

  3. 与辽朝的首战告捷后,阿骨打于1115年建立了金朝。

    With his initial victory over Liao , Akutta established the Jin Dynasty in 1115 .

  4. 首战告捷等於一半胜利。

    Beginning is half the battle .

  5. 日本队世界杯首战告捷,以2比1战胜哥伦比亚队,这也是日本队首次战胜这支南美劲旅。

    Their side won their opening game , beating Colombia 2-1 , and securing the team 's first victory against a South American side .