
  • 网络china film archive
  1. 中国电影资料馆观众群落的衍变及其教育策略

    The Change of Audience and the Policy of China Film Archive

  2. 上周四,中国电影资料馆副馆长张晓光表示,这些电影从来自100个国家的2000多部候选影片中脱颖而出,将于4月8日到23日期间在北京30多个电影院和大学放映。

    The movies were selected from more than 2000 titles from 100 countries and will be screened in 30 cinemas and colleges around Beijing from April 8 to April 23 , Zhang Xiaoguang , deputy head of China Film Archive , said last Thursday .

  3. 对没收的影片,凡有保留参考价值的可转送文化部电影事业管理局交中国电影资料馆保存。

    Those among the confiscated films that are worth keeping because of their value for reference may be passed on to the Cinema Administrative Bureau under the Ministry of Culture , which shall hand them over to the China Cinematheque for preservation .