
zhōng liàng jí
  • middleweight
中量级 [zhōng liàng jí]
  • [middleweight] 中等体重;尤指参加运动或比赛(例如拳击、摔交、举重者)的体重比次重量级重,比重量级轻

中量级[zhōng liàng jí]
  1. 他从轻量级(71公斤以下)转到了轻中量级(78公斤以下)。

    He changed from lightweight ( under 71kg ) to light middleweight ( under 78kg ) .

  2. 他保持大学轻量级和中量级双冠军。

    He held both the lightweight and middleweight college boxing championships .

  3. 贝托是WBC次中量级拳王。

    Berto is the WBC welterweight titleholder .

  4. 然而,尽管印度经济增长迅速,它仍只不过是一个次中量级选手,其国民生产总值仅为中国的三分之一,出口和双边外国直接投资(FDI)的流量尚不及奥地利。

    Though growing fast , it is still no more than a welterweight , with output only a third of China 's and exports and two-way foreign direct investment flows lower than Austria 's.

  5. 我想成为世界次中量级拳王。

    I 'd likes to become the welterweight champion of the world .

  6. 她的比赛是一场中量级拳王赛的垫场赛

    She was on the under card of a middleweight title fight .

  7. 罗伯特。科恩一度是普林斯顿大学中量级拳击冠军。

    Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton .

  8. 他们甚至记不得他曾是中量级拳击冠军。

    They did not even remember that he was middleweight boxing champion .

  9. 争夺次中量级世界冠军!

    to fight me for the welterweight championship of the whole world !

  10. 是啊,我刚把你升上次中量级

    Yeah , I just -- I just brought you up to welterweight .

  11. 你们拥有无可争议的中量级冠军和无可争议的次中量级冠军大碰撞。

    You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads .

  12. 我想成为次中量级世界冠军

    Well , sir , I 'd Iikes to become the welterweight champion of the world .

  13. 约书亚是一个强壮的大个子次中量级选手,一个艰巨的任务正摆在我们面前。

    Joshua is a big , strong welterweight , so we have a task in front of us .

  14. 泰勒在去年7月份击败伯纳德?霍普金斯后赢得中量级冠军,而后在12月份再次打败他。

    Taylor beat Bernard Hopkins in July to win the middleweight championship , then beat him again in december .

  15. 而他恰好处在次中量级,这使得他对所有人都是更危险的,也更有吸引力的多。

    That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing .

  16. 另外,不同重量级别之间,肩宽、克托莱指数、高抓、借力推4个指标的差异具有显著性,以重量级最大,中量级次之,轻量级最小。

    For the different categories , there is significant difference among shoulder width , KTL index , power snatch and jerk press .

  17. 莱拉,身高5.10英尺,体重160磅,她决定做中量级拳击手。

    Laila is a 5 feet 10 and weighs about 160 pounds , She 's decided that she 'll be a middleweight boxer .

  18. 这种独特技能和体能的综合,意味着威廉姆斯对于任何处于中量级级别的人来说,都呈现一次困难的挑战。

    This unique combination of skills and physical attributes means that Williams presents a difficult challenge to anyone south of the middleweight division .

  19. 试验结果表明,用中量级冲击机来模拟水下近距离非接触爆炸性环境并对装备进行考核是当前可行的一种技术手段。

    The test results showed that using medium weight shock test machine to simulate under water not-touch close quarters blast environment to test equipment is a feasible technical measure .

  20. 这位前中量级、超中量级和轻重量级拳王自那次羞辱事件后重新回头,在10月份打败了多米克?古恩后,仅赢了一次。

    The former middleweight , super middleweight and cruiserweight Champ worked his way back from that ignominy , albeit by winning just once , over Dominic Gunn in october .

  21. 结论:在对群体遗传结构进行主成分分析时,应使用中心化(或均值化)变换消除基因频率矩阵中量级的影响,然后在用其协方差阵提取主成分。

    Conclusion : carry out the principle component analysis of human population genetic structure , one should calculate the PC using averaged covariance matrix rather than the standardized correlation matrix .

  22. 警方说,她不能解释为何这位次中量级拳击手在公寓中被手袋勒死之后她还在巴西北部公寓中逗留了十个小时。

    They said she hadn 't explained how she had stayed in the apartment in northeastern Brazil for ten hours after the former welterweight champion was apparently strangled with a handbag strap .

  23. 基于裂变径迹原理对擦拭样品中微米量级铀微粒筛选技术进行了研究。

    Based on the fission track technique , the determination of uranium particles from swipe samples has been studied .

  24. 量级评注功能主要体现在四个词上:就、才、还、都,是指单音节语气副词具有对句子中的量级成分进行主观评注的功能,有增值评注和减值评注之分。

    Function of magnitude commentary is reflected in four words : JIU , CAI , HAI and DOU . They can make commentaries on the magnitude composition in a sentence .

  25. 在微化工过程中,微米量级的颗粒和液滴表面传递现象的研究具有重要的基础意义。

    In the process of microchemical engineering , the research on the transfer phenomena on the surface concerning micrometer-size particle and droplet is of important basic significance .

  26. 用金属醇盐水解法在阳极Al2O3模板的有序孔洞中生长了纳米量级的ZnO颗粒,并用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和高分辨电子显微镜(HRTEM)对其形貌进行观察。

    Nano-ZnO particles were prepared in the ordered pores of anodic aluminum oxide membranes through hydrolyzation routes of metal alkoxide . Scanning Electron Microscope ( SEM ) and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope ( HRTEM ) were used to observe the morphology .

  27. 在流体介质中悬浮有纳米量级固态粒子的两相系统,可称为纳米粒子两相系统。

    The system of particles in the order of nanometer suspending in fluid can be described as nanoparticle two-phase system .

  28. 试验表明,神经网络方法能提高中到大雨降水量级的中期预报能力,但对暴雨的预报不理想。

    Studies suggest that ANN is an effectual way to improve rainfall forecast , but it was unfavorable for heavy rain forecast .

  29. 在现有的实验条件下纳米颗粒的动态形态结构观察是相当困难,因此本实验中制备微米量级的磺化聚苯乙烯颗粒作为结构观察的电流变液材料。

    The dynamic structure of nano-sized ER particles is too difficult to be observed now . In this experiment , the ER particles are micro-sized sulphonated polystyrene particles .

  30. 所完成的主要工作如下:1.片光法构造缺陷态光子晶格:利用此方法成功的在掺铁铌酸锂晶体中制作了微米量级的线缺陷光折变光子晶格。

    The main works as follows : 1 . We fabric defected photonic lattices with sheet-light method : By this method we fabric two-dimensional photorefractive photonic with linear-defect which is the level of micron .