
  1. QC小组吸纳农民工中领军人员参与,可以有效激发整个群体做好作业工作和提高作业技能。

    QC team to absorb migrant workers involved in the leader , can effectively stimulate the whole group do a good job operations and to increase job skills .

  2. 北京市商务局表示,民众可以从京东应用程序中领取消费券。

    The Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau says the coupons are available on the JD.com app .

  3. 约瑟把两个儿子从以色列两膝中领出来,自己就脸伏于地下拜。

    And Joseph brought them out from between his knees , and he bowed himself with his face to the earth .

  4. 许多曾在联邦军队中领过津贴的爱尔兰人和日耳曼人,遣散之后也在亚特兰大定居了。

    Many Irish and Germans who had been bounty men in the Union Army had settled in Atlanta after their discharge .

  5. 耶和华阿,求你为你的名将我救活。凭你的公义,将我从患难中领出来。

    Give me life , o lord , because of your name ; in your righteousness take my soul out of trouble .

  6. 普里莫兹·罗格里奇在周日的个人计时赛中领先后,连续第三年赢得环西班牙自行车赛冠军。

    Primoz Roglic won the Vuelta a Espana for a third consecutive year after leading the way in Sunday 's individual time trial .

  7. 我必从雅各中领出后裔,从犹大中领出承受我众山的。我的选民必承受,我的仆人要在那里居住。

    I will bring forth descendants from Jacob , and from Judah those who will possess my mountains ; my chosen people will inherit them , and there will my servants live .

  8. 对一些人而言,这是他们工作的一部分。然而,范奥斯塔延等其他人不从这份工作中领薪水,他们希望有一天自己能得到回报。

    Some do it as part of their job , but others such as Mr Van Ostaeyen , who is not recompensed for this work , hope one day to make it pay .

  9. 要将你们从埃及的困苦中领出来,往迦南人、赫人、亚摩利人、比利洗人、希未人、耶布斯人的地去,就是到流奶与蜜之地。

    And I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt into the land of the Canaanites , Hittites , Amorites , Perizzites , Hivites and Jebusites-a land flowing with milk and honey .

  10. 论文的第三部分归纳出于坚诗歌的几项日常化追求,这是解构后的重建,是作为第三代诗人中领军者的于坚对前辈诗人的一种反拨。

    The third part sums up some daily pursuance , who on so a kind of reconstruction after deconstruction positively construct their own battlefield of poems and songs with the indomitable bravery on the base of the former ruins .

  11. 出埃及记13:21节告诉我们:白天,神在云柱中领他们的路,晚上,神在火柱中光照他们。

    Exodus 13 : 21 says , And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud , to lead them the way ; and by night in a pillar of fire , to give them light .

  12. 我必用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,并倾出来的忿怒,将你们从万民中领出来,从分散的列国内聚集你们。

    And I will bring you out from the people , and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered , with a mighty hand , and with a stretched out arm , and with fury poured out .

  13. 我从万民中领你们出来,从分散的列国内聚集你们,那时我必悦纳你们好象馨香之祭,要在外邦人眼前在你们身上显为圣。

    I will accept you with your sweet savour , when I bring you out from the people , and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered ; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen .

  14. 日间,耶和华在云柱中领他们的路;夜间,在火柱中光照他们,使他们日夜都可以行走。

    By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light , so that they could travel by day or night .

  15. 在山地赛段,队长基特尔根本没有领先冲刺的可能,他选择为平地赛保存体力,后来在平地赛中领骑。

    Mountain stages , days when his team leader , Kittel , will not be anywhere near the front to fight for the finish , he takes it easy to preserve energy for the flat days when he leads the Tour 's entire pack of riders .

  16. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  17. 而基于DSP的电机控制系统也将逐渐建立其在控制中的领军地位。商业巨头如何保住领军地位?

    The control system based on DSP is the popular type in the control field . How Do Business Magnates Keep Their Leading Position ?

  18. 自第一次世界大战时起,FWS已经成为了警报器生产行业中的领军人物。

    Since World War I , FWS has been the leading manufacturer of warning sirens .

  19. 风格无情的伊佐是地中海黑色侦探小说流派中的领潮人物,另一位等量级的人物是MassimoCarlotto(他在监狱中度过很多年,罪名是谋杀,之后受赦免出狱)。

    The hard-boiled Izzo is a leading name in Mediterranean noir , along with Massimo Carlotto ( who spent many years in prison for murder , before being pardoned ) .

  20. 美食达人凯特正是最近流行的自己动手中的领军人物。

    Food blogger Kate is leading the latest wave of sweetie DIY .

  21. 鲁迅是中国现代文学史中的领军人物和灵魂人物。

    Lu xun is the leader in the history of Chinese modern literature and soul .

  22. 第三个标准是,一个品牌是否能成为同类产品中的领军者。

    The third criterion is whether a brand acts like a leader in its category .

  23. 美国电话电报公司和德国电信公司曾试图赶超维德森无线公司,这一在市场中处于领军地位的手机运营商。

    AT & T and T-Mobile were trying to get ahead of Verizon Wireless , the market leader in the cellphone carrier business .

  24. 弗雷德里克道格拉斯成功来到纽约市获得了自由,他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。

    Frederick Douglass makes it to New York City & and freedom , and becomes a leading figure in the anti slavery movement .

  25. 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯成功来到纽约市获得了自由,他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。

    Frederick Douglass makes it to New York City -- and freedom , and becomes a leading figure in the anti slavery movement .

  26. 在整个半小时的车程中,领着羊群穿过一片布满干麦秆的休耕地的牧羊人成了我们见到的唯一的人。

    The shepherd leading his flock through the dry stalks of a fallow field is the only person I see on this half-hour journey .

  27. 经济全球化的进程还没有结束,未来中国将继续在全球化进程中保持领军地位。

    Process of economic globalization is not over ; in the future China will continue to maintain a leadership position in the globalization process .

  28. 林后二14感谢神,他常在基督里,在凯旋的行列中帅领我们,并藉著我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气;

    Cor.2:14 But thanks be to God , who always leads us in triumph in the Christ and manifests the savor of the knowledge of Him through us in every place .

  29. 国家高新区“二次创业”肩负使国家高新区在建设创新型国家中成为领军者的历史使命。

    The second development of national hi-tech zone shoulder the historical mission to make the national hi-tech zone be a pioneer in the process of building a country of a innovative type .

  30. 化工行业是我国的基础产业,但同时也是重污染行业,对环境影响巨大,中石化作为石化行业中的领军企业,其环境会计信息披露的具体现状不断得到利益相关者的关注。

    The chemical industry is basic industry of our country , but at the same time is also a heavy pollution industry , which has had a huge impact on the environment .