
  1. 这是100元,补助你去滑雪用。

    Here 's $ 100 to put towards your ski trip .

  2. 我们盘算着今年冬天是否去滑雪。

    We 're debating whether or not to go skiing this winter .

  3. 我们在冬天的周末大多去滑雪。

    We go skiing most weekends in winter .

  4. 滑雪爱好者乐于利用暑期假日去滑雪。

    Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing .

  5. 他原本打算在3月独自去滑雪,但是他的太太决定让他打消这个念头。

    He had planned to go skiing on his own in March but his wife had decided to put her foot down .

  6. 冬天也会造成皮肤晒伤,特别是去滑雪的时候。所以要选择一款既有防晒作用又富含维他命E等天然保湿剂的乳液。

    Sunburn can occur during winter . Especially if you 're on the ski slopes , so select a moisturizer that contains both a sunscreen and natural humectant like , vitamin E.

  7. 他认为他和他的孩子一起去滑雪度假了。

    They thought he s on vacation skiing with his kid .

  8. 我放学后去滑雪,也睡得很多。

    I snowboarded after school , and I slept a lot .

  9. 我们班要一起去滑雪!

    Stone : My class is going on a ski trip .

  10. 要去滑雪,绝对是人愈多愈好玩。

    With skiing , it 's definitely the more the merrier .

  11. 周六想跟我和乔伊一起去滑雪吗?

    Want to come skiing with Joey and me this Saturday ?

  12. 我打算圣诞节假期要去滑雪。

    I am thinking of going skiing for the Christmas holiday .

  13. 冬天的时候,我挖完冰道又去滑雪橇。

    In winter , I built snow tunnels and went sledding .

  14. 不可能去滑雪,因为山被大雾笼罩了。

    Skiing was impossible because the mountains were shrouded in fog .

  15. 做些费力气的运动,打高尔夫啦,游泳啦,要不就去滑雪。

    Do something energetic , play golf , swim , or ski .

  16. 如果你心脏不好去滑雪是不妥当的。

    Skiing is inadvisable if you have a weak heart .

  17. 京晶:我是在想,你想不想去滑雪橇?

    I was gonna see if you were up for going sledding ?

  18. 正在下雪,我们要去滑雪橇吗?

    It 's been snowing , shall we go sledging ?

  19. 不,天气太暖和我们不能去滑雪。

    No , it 's too warm for us to go skiing .

  20. 这个周末我们也许能去滑雪。

    We might be able to go skiing this weekend .

  21. 学校下周按计划去滑雪。

    The school will go skiing as scheduled next week .

  22. 你和你的朋友们今年十二月会去滑雪吗?

    A.Are you and your friends going skiing this December ?

  23. 绑架者一般不会带被绑架人去滑雪

    You see kidnappers don 't usually take their victims skiing

  24. 在那里我们可能有机会去滑雪。

    There might be an opportunity to ski while we are there .

  25. 如果明天下雪,我就去滑雪。

    If it were to snow tomorrow , I would go skiing .

  26. 学生们寒假里经常去滑雪。

    The students often go skiing during winter vacation .

  27. 我们去滑雪时,我只在低坡上。

    When we went skiing , I only went on the lower slopes .

  28. 我很高兴这个周末我将能去滑雪了。

    I 'm glad I 'll be able to go skating this weekend .

  29. 天气允许的话,我会去滑雪。

    I 'll go skiing of the weather permits .

  30. 你们两个不去滑雪吗?

    So aren 't you two gonna go skiing ?