
  1. 才订婚没多久的希拉里达芙身穿一件水绿色紧身大V领短裙搭配多层链条项链登场。

    Hillary Duff wore a skin-tight aqua Herve Leger bandage dress with tons of chain necklaces and a pair of Christian Louboutin " Big Lips " pumps .

  2. 雨水把他们淋湿了,他们在向阳一边的小径上走着,大的领着小的,他们衣衫褴褛,面容苍白,好象两只野雀。

    The rain having soaked them , they were walking along the paths on the sunny side ; the elder was leading the younger ; they were pale and ragged ; they had the air of wild birds .

  3. 因他爱你的列祖,所以拣选他们的后裔,用大能亲自领你出了埃及

    Because he loved your forefathers and chose their descendants after them , he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength

  4. 这位30岁的模特穿着黑色紧身皮裤和一双与之搭配的黑色短靴完美展现了大长腿,V领的灰色针织上衣和长及膝部的深蓝色羊毛风衣。

    The 30-year-old showed off her endless pins in black leather skinny pants and matching ankle boots , which she teamed with a v-neck grey knit top and a knee-length midnight blue woollen trench coat .

  5. 小伙伴们此时都差未几到齐了,由邻家的大姐姐当头,领着我们这一群小毛孩到河边看赛龙船。

    Small partners at this time are almost , and Sisters from the big head next door , led us to the river this group watch dragon-boat race .

  6. 由你面前赶走比你更大的民族,领你进入他们的国土,赐给你作为产业,就如今日一样。

    To destroy at thy coming very great nations , and stronger than thou art , and to bring thee in , and give thee their land for a possession , as thou seest at this present day .

  7. 主我们的神阿,你曾用大能的手领你的子民出埃及地,使自己得了名,正如今日一样。我们犯了罪,作了恶。

    And now , O Lord our God , that hast brought thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand , and hast gotten thee renown , as at this day ; we have sinned , we have done wickedly .