
  • 网络Greater Israel
  1. 以色列已至少可以放弃了建立大以色列国的梦想,在1967年的伟大胜利后那个梦想曾令以色列无比陶醉。

    Israel has at least abandoned the dream of a Greater Israel that bewitched it after the great victory of1967 .

  2. 美国几乎可以左右巴以和平进程,同时,大以色列思想强烈的影响着和谈,而其它的心态则退居其次。

    America nearly controlled the whole peace process , in which the " big Israel idea " influences the peace process strongly and other mentalities are less important relatively .

  3. 前者旨在以最小成本获得最大收益,后者坚持大以色列信仰,致力于在巴勒斯坦整个地区建立犹太人的国家。

    The former is aimed at getting the largest gains with the smallest cost , while the latter , the Jewish country in the whole Palestine directed by Big Israel belief .

  4. 对于许多年龄象你们这么大的以色列孩子来说,这是他们一生中最兴奋的一夜。

    For many Hebrew children about your age , it was the most exciting night of their lives !

  5. 根据各大报纸报道以色列军方。

    The Israeli army , according to every newspaper on earth .

  6. 演讲里有一大段论及以色列-巴勒斯坦,没有比这更生动的对阿拉伯和穆斯林说法的认识了。

    Nowhere was the effort to acknowledge the Arab and Muslim narrative more dramatic than in the long passage on Israel-Palestine .

  7. 在21世纪初期,随着第二次大起义在以色列和巴勒斯坦蔓延,一伙埃及人极力劝说阿拉伯国家的消费者一起联合起来共同抵制爱丽儿肥皂粉。

    In the early 2000s , as the second intifada raged in Israel and Palestine , a group of Egyptians urged Arab consumers to boycott Ariel soap powder .

  8. 还有更大的问题,以色列和美国必须要好好反思的一个问题:封锁真的有效吗?

    There is a bigger question that Israel and the United States must be asking : Is the blockade working ?