
  • 网络Large open-pit mines;glory-hole
  1. 基于Extend的大型露天矿卡车调度系统仿真

    Simulation of Truck Dispatching System in Surface Mine Based on Extend

  2. 黄土区大型露天矿也不例外。

    Large opencast mine within loess area is without exception .

  3. 大型露天矿预装药爆破效果影响因素探究

    Factors influencing the blasting effect of pre charging at large surface mine

  4. 大型露天矿运输安全控制与预警系统

    Pre-warning and control system of transport safety in a large-scale surface mine

  5. 不断攀登大型露天矿装备技术新高峰

    To scale new heights in equipment techniques for large open pit mines continuously

  6. 大型露天矿降低成本增加效益的途径

    Ways of decreasing costs and increasing benefits in large scale open pit mines

  7. 大型露天矿卡车调度系统面向对象的仿真建模

    The Simulation Modeling for Truck Dispatching System in Surface Mine with Object-oriented Method

  8. 全移动自移式破碎机在大型露天矿的应用

    Fully mobile crawler-mounted crushing plant for large open-pit mines

  9. 大型露天矿运输道路工程质量及效益探讨

    Discussion on the Quality and Efficiency of Road Engineering for Large-scale Open-pit Mine

  10. 延长大型露天矿铁路运输服务年限的浅见

    Views on prolonging the service life of rail transport system for large-sized opencast mines

  11. 大型露天矿卡车实时调度系统的遗传算法研究

    The Study on the Genetic Algorithm for Large-scale Strip Mine Truck Real-time Dispatch System

  12. 大型露天矿计算机安全管理模式研究

    Research on the Safety Management Model Based on Computer for a Large-tonnage Opencast Mine

  13. 大型露天矿管理信息系统运行环境的设计与实施

    Design and Implementation of Running Environment for The Management Information System of a Large Open-Pit

  14. 黄土区大型露天矿农业用地格局演变的分析

    Pattern succession analysis of agricultural land converted converted from large opencast mine in loess areas

  15. 黄土区大型露天矿排土场水土流失评价

    Water and soil loss assessment of the dump in large opencast mine in loess area

  16. 大型露天矿汽车运输道路质量与运输成本效率

    The Quality of Truck Haulage Road in a Large-scale Open Pit and the Haulage Costs and Efficiency

  17. 应用表明,大倾角运输在大型露天矿具有良好的应用前景。

    It is shown that the big inclination conveying has good application prospect in large open pit mines .

  18. 大型露天矿汽车道路坡道的模糊综合评判及其在永平铜矿的应用

    Fuzzy mathematic evaluation on slopes of truck roads in large-scale open-pit mines and its application to Yongping Copper Mine

  19. 随着我国越来越多大型露天矿项目的建设,露天矿边坡稳定性评价问题日益受到重视。

    As more and more large-scale open pit project of construction of open pit slope stability evaluation and more attention .

  20. 大型露天矿运输道路质量的好坏直接关系到矿用汽车运行成本和运输效率。

    The quality of the haulage road in a large-scale open pit directly affects the operating costs and haulage efficiency of the trucks .

  21. 我国大型露天矿已普遍使用大吨位载重汽车,与之配套的巨型轮胎消耗量亦与日俱增。

    The large tonnage trucks are used in China 's big opencast mines widspreadly and so consumption of giant tires is steadily on the increase .

  22. 介绍了大型露天矿智能运输系统的原理、组成与主要功能。

    This paper introduces the Intelligent Transportation System of large open-pit mine , explains the structure and work principles , puts forward this system main function .

  23. 作者将模糊数学应用于爆破效果的综合评价,提出了一种综合评价爆破效果的数学模型&模糊综合评价模型,并论述了采用该模型评价大型露天矿爆破效果的方法及实例。

    By introducing Fuzzy mathematics into multifactorial comprehensive evaluation method of blasting results , a new model of Fuzzy multifactorial comprehensive evaluation is formed , and several examples of its application in a large open pit mine are given .

  24. 一些大型露天矿随着开采深入,形成一些高陡边坡,边坡稳定性问题更加突出,如何制定出一套有效、简单准确的方法来评价边坡稳定性是值得研究的问题。

    With some large-scale open pit mining depth , the formation of some high and steep slope , slope stability is even more prominent , and how to develop an effective , simple and accurate method to evaluate the slope stability is a problem worthy of study .

  25. 明确将我国黄土区大型露天谋矿水土整治和利用技术划分为水土安全调控、表层岩土水土保持和水土资源化利用三个阶段。

    Water-soil curing and using techniques of large opencast coal mine within loess area in our country have been divided into three types : water-soil safety techniques , water-soil conservation and water-soil recycling use techniques .

  26. 半固定式破碎机在大型水泥灰岩露天矿的应用

    Semi - stationary Crusher Application in Large-sized Open-pit