
  • 网络Prunus armeniaca;prunus armeniaca linn
  1. 大扁杏离体腋芽增殖和生长的研究

    In vitro Shoot Proliferation and Growth of Prunus armeniaca Linn Stem Segment

  2. 陕北黄土丘陵区大扁杏优良品种试验研究

    Study on Improved Varieties of Prunus armeniaca in Loess Hilly Region of Northern Shaanxi

  3. 结果表明,在较好的立地条件下,每株施用N肥1.78g+P肥8.42g的施肥量对大扁杏幼树作用不明显;

    The result showed that fertilization at rate of 1.78 g N per tree , 8.42 g P , had not significantly effect in the better site condition , but had significant at the same rate in bad site condition .

  4. 大扁杏的核产量比山杏、西伯利亚杏低;

    Production of stone was lower than wildapricot and Siberian apricot .

  5. 生产上急需大扁杏丰产栽培的相关理论和先进技术。

    Farmers need theory and new technique in their cultivation .

  6. 陕北丘陵沟壑区大扁杏生长习性监测研究

    Observation of almond-apricot growth characteristics in Loess Hilly and Gully Region of northern Shaanxi

  7. 辽西大扁杏杏仁蛋白的组成及碱法提取工艺的研究

    Study on composition and extraction of almond protein

  8. 立地条件和栽植密度对大扁杏生长发育的影响

    Effect of Locality and Planting Density on the Growth and Development of Prunus armeniaca

  9. 微波辅助提取大扁杏杏仁油实验方法的研究

    Study on the extraction of almond oil of apricot by microwave assisted extraction technique

  10. 扁杏仁为大扁杏的种子,具有很高的营养价值。

    As seeds of apricot , the sweet almonds have very high nutritional value .

  11. 施肥对大扁杏雌蕊发育及抗旱生理特性的影响

    Effects of fertilizer on pistil upgrowth and drought-resistance physiological characteristic of Armeniaca vulgaris × Sibirica

  12. 黄土高原地区3个大扁杏品种的光合特性日变化研究

    Comparative study on photosynthetic characteristics among 3 Prunus armeniaca × sibirica species of Loess Plateau

  13. 应用正交试验设计拟定试验方案,对大扁杏组培苗的生根培养进行研究。

    Applying the orthogonal experiment design , the root induction culture of Prunus armeniaca was studied .

  14. 对山杏根部嫁接大扁杏成败问题的探讨

    Discussion on Success and Failure of Grafting Prunus armeniaca at Root with Prunus armeniaca var. ansu

  15. 山杏种源试验与选择初步研究大扁杏幼树雌蕊发育和结果规律

    PROVENANCE TRIAL AND SELECTION OF ARMENIACA SIBIRICA Characteristics of the Pistil Development and Seeding of Prunus armeniaca X sibirica

  16. 地形及整地方式对大扁杏幼树生长发育的影响金针菇原生质体制备的研究

    The Effect of Landform and Way of Site Preparation on the Growth and Development of Young Trees in Almond

  17. 我国大扁杏丰产栽培技术和机理的研究现状

    The Situation of Researches on Culturing Techniques and Mechanisms ? of High Productivity of ? Prunus armeniaca × sibirica ? in China

  18. 结果发现,天然芸苔素内脂可以明显提高大扁杏的叶绿素含量,提高光合作用强度,增强大扁杏的抗旱性。

    The result found that NBR could improve the content of chlorophyll and the rate of photosynthesis of apricot , increase drought resistance .

  19. 持续干旱条件下,影响大扁杏叶中脯氨酸含量的主导因素是土壤含水量,其次为土壤含水量和施肥的交互作用。

    During long period of soil-water stress , the proline content is mainly controlled by the soil moisture , then the cross effect of soil moisture and soil fertilizing .

  20. 花后大扁杏的抗旱性指标的变化,主要受秋季土壤施肥和春季杏树展叶后叶面喷施微肥的交互作用影响。

    The index of drought resistance after blossom are greatly affected by the cross effects of fertilize to soil in early winter and spray rare elements nutrition to the leaves in the following spring .

  21. 本文通过对大扁杏组培过程中影响无菌材料建立、茎段增殖培养及愈伤组织诱导关键因素的研究,旨在为建立适合大扁杏离体快繁、基因保存、遗传转化技术体系奠定基础。

    The study carried on the key factor of establishing the Prunus armeniaca no fungus system , using Prunus armeniaca stems propagate its buds and induce its callus tissue , to establish the foundation for Prunus armeniaca rapid propagation , gene keeping and genetic technique system .

  22. 大扁杏在丰产栽培技术方面的研究取得了许多成功的经验,主要集中在苗木培育、果园建立、整形修剪、病虫害防治、保花保果、肥水管理等方面。

    The research get a lot of successful experiences in high yield cultivable technology , especially in breeding nursery stock 、 building archival 、 trimming 、 prevention and control of diseases and pests 、 protecting flower and fruit 、 managing fertile and water and so on .