
  1. 铁触媒表面的氧化铁包覆层对金刚石成核的影响

    Influence of iron oxide coating of iron catalyst surface on diamond nucleation

  2. 在国产SPD6×1200型六面顶压机上,研究了高温高压条件下铁触媒表面的氧化铁包覆层对金刚石成核的影响。

    The influence of iron oxide coat on surface of iron catalyst on diamond nucleation was studied on domestic made SPD 6 × 1200 type cubic hinge press .

  3. 还发现用含添加剂的铁镍触媒合成的金刚石中包裹体明显少于用铁镍触媒合成的金刚石中的包裹体。

    In addition , we noticed that the content of inclusion in the diamond crystals synthesized with M xN-added Fe-Ni is obviously lower than that in the diamond synthesized without additive M xN .

  4. 在大多数用含添加剂硫的铁镍触媒合成的金刚石的{100}面,有熔坑出现,而用铁镍触媒合成的金刚石没有这种现象;

    Some etch pits were observed on { 100 } face of the most diamond crystals which are synthesized with sulfur-added Fe - Ni , while no etch pit in the diamond synthesized without sulfur additive .

  5. 钢基底表面金刚石涂层具有许多潜在应用价值,但直接在钢上沉积生长金刚石面临长的形核期,铁原子的触媒作用和热膨胀不匹配等严重问题。

    Diamond coatings on steel substrates are interesting for potential applications , but there are at least three serious problems : a long nucleation period , the catalytic effect of iron , and thermal expansion mismatch .