
tiě jūn
  • iron army;invincible army;invincible (iron) army;all-conquering army
铁军 [tiě jūn]
  • [all-conquering army;invincible (iron) army] 指顽强善战的军队

铁军[tiě jūn]
  1. “铁军”永不退却。

    The iron army never gives .

  2. 医学工程处信息化管理中存在的问题和建议南征北战的巴蜀铁军&铁道部第二工程局第五工程处

    The Fifth Engineering Section of the Second Engineering Bureau under the Ministry of Railways

  3. 如同我有着记忆中的宋庄,铁军也有着记忆中的园区风景。

    Like me keeping the memory of Song Village , in Tiejun 's memory , there is also unique ground scenery .

  4. 铁军引我到后院的天光工作室,有曲径通幽,伴着雨后的蝉鸣、雾霭和林间散布的雕塑,眼前的一切几乎完全抹杀了十年前宋庄给我的记忆。

    The winding path , the sound of cicada after the rain , the fog and the sculptures scatter in woods , all these sceneries has almost wiped away my memory of the Village ten years ago .