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  1. 丰顺九龙高岭土工艺性质及出口瓷泥的研究

    Study on technological property of Jiulong kaolin and export paste

  2. 广东丰顺地热发电站通水管腐蚀产物的穆斯堡尔谱的研究

    A Mossbauer spectroscopic investigation of corrosion products of water-pipes of geothermal power station

  3. 丰顺县旅游资源及其可持续利用探讨

    Tourism Resources Exploitation and Sustainable Development in Fengshun County

  4. 丰顺客家方言差比句有三个比较标记、四种基本句式。

    The paper introduces four comparative constructions with three comparative markers of Fengshun Hakka in Guangdong province .

  5. 1995年广东丰顺4.7级地震影响场及发震构造

    Influence field and seismogenic structure of the m_l4 . 7 earthquake of fengshun , guangdong in 1995

  6. 目的了解丰顺县及监测点地方性氟中毒防治措施落实情况及防治效果。

    Objective To investigate condition of preventive measure and control effect for endemic fluorosis in sentinel sites and Fengshun county .

  7. 基于新钻石模型的产业集群竞争力评价与提升&以广东省丰顺县电声产业集群为例

    Industry gathering competitiveness evaluation and improvement basing on new diamond mode & take Guangdong province Fengshun county electroacoustics industry gathering as example

  8. 以粤东丰顺县下八乡山区为例,根据其土壤、气候与环境特点,对蔬菜反夏栽培的适宜品种、播种期、轮作形式及各种配套技术措施进行了多年的试验研究。

    According to the soil , climate and environmental characteristics of the mountain areas in east Guangdong , the suitable vegetable species for cultivation in counter-summer , the season of sowing , the ways of rotation , and the supporting measures , were studied for many years .