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  1. 我认为王楠是我们最喜爱的运动员。

    I think Wang Nan is our favorite player .

  2. 我的室友王楠非常势利。

    My roommate Wang Nan is very snobbish .

  3. 是校际乒乓球冠军,她当然选择了王楠。

    Wang Nan is a ping pong player . She 's pretty . I think she likes to swim .

  4. 科兴生物制品公司的副总经理王楠说,该公司今年6月开始研究这种疫苗。

    Wang Nan , vice-general manager at Sinovac , says the company began research on the vaccine in early June .

  5. 除了中国的邓亚萍、王楠、刘国梁、孔令辉外,就只有瑞典的老将瓦尔德内尔获过此项殊荣。

    Besides Chinese athletes Deng Yaping , Wang Nan , Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui , only a Swedish veteran Valdner obtained this unusual glory .

  6. 轮渡上专门为新人和嘉宾铺设了红地毯,船两侧都是王楠和郭斌的大幅结婚照片。

    Ferried has laid down the red carpet for the new person and the honored guest , the ship both sides is specially Wang Nan and Guo Bin 's large marriage picture .

  7. 北京科兴生物制品有限公司的副总经理王楠说,同一种疫苗,公司在中国的欠发达地区售价低于在富裕城市的售价;

    Nan Wang of Sinovac Biotech , a Chinese vaccine firm , says her company has long sold the same vaccine at lower prices in poor parts of China than in rich cities ;

  8. 周五,张怡宁战胜队友王楠,夺得女子乒乓球单打金牌,最终使主队包揽了这一项目的奖牌。

    Zhang Yining of China defeated teammate Wang Nan on Friday to win the gold in women 's singles table tennis at the Olympics , completing a medals sweep for the host team .

  9. 王楠身穿抹胸式白色婚纱与郭斌搭乘移动式舞台出场,甜蜜浪漫让在场嘉宾羡慕不已。

    Wang Nan wears the stomacher type white nuptial dress and Guo Bin travels by the mobile stage to enter the stage , lets the honored guest on the scene envy romantically happily .

  10. 由于2-4输给了“大姐大”王楠,郭跃没能进入决赛。而王楠在本届奥运会后将退役,决心尽可能的拿到她最后一届奥运会金牌。

    Guo failed to reach the final because of her4-2 loss to " Big Sister " Wang , who is going to retire and determined to win as much as possible at her last Olympic Games .