
wáng gōng
  • the nobility;princes and dukes;the high rank of nobility
王公 [wáng gōng]
  • (1) [princes and dukes]∶王爵和公爵

  • (2) [the high rank of nobility]∶泛指显贵的爵位

  • 王公贵人。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • 今王公贵人。

  • 王公大臣

王公[wáng gōng]
  1. 近现代蒙古王公双重的历史角色

    History Role of Mongolia 's Princes and Dukes in Modern History

  2. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。

    In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes , diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves .

  3. 负责这项颇具野心的项目的HandsHospitality公司的主管帕拉姆普里特·辛格·卢特拉表示,该餐厅豪华的内部装修是受印度“王公特快”列车的启发。

    The luxurious interior was inspired by the Maharaja Express , director of Hands Hospitality , the company behind the ambitious project , Parampreet Singh Luthra said .

  4. 这条项链是赠给印度帕夏拉王公布品达辛(BhupinderSingh)的礼物,它是由5条白金项链排列而成,镶嵌的钻石多达2930颗。

    This gift to the Maharaja Sir Bhupinder Singh had five rows of platinum chains adorned with 2930 diamonds .

  5. 久德布王公乌麦·辛格(UmaidSingh)1946年命人在贾瓦伊河上修筑的一道水坝,是现代化为当地景观留下的最显著印记。

    In 1946 , Maharajah Umaid Singh of Jodhpur broke ground on a dam on the river Jawai , the most significant incursion of modernity into the landscape .

  6. 他向记者表示,政府的任何支持都是有前提条件的,这家被称为王公(Maharaja)的国有航空公司必须采取措施削减成本、增加收入。

    He told reporters that any government support would be conditional on cost-cutting measures at the state-owned airline , known as the Maharaja , as well as steps to boost revenues .

  7. 不管亨利出现于欧洲什么地方总会遇到一些王公贵族。

    Whenever Henry went in Europe , he met with royalty .

  8. 他们才不关心王公贵族玩的游戏.

    They don 't care what games the high lords play .

  9. 从前,印度的许多地方由王公们统治着。

    In former times parts of India were ruled by princes .

  10. 军政职位都要恢复到王公级。

    Reinstatement to the rank of master of both services .

  11. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。

    The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt .

  12. 印度王公的贴身护卫之一。

    One of the rajah 's personal body guard .

  13. 清乾隆朝王公大臣官员进贡问题初探

    A discussion of the Officials'Individual Tribute in Qianlong Reign of the Qing Dynasty

  14. 这些追求你的人都是王公贵族。

    These men who ask for your hand are royal kings and princes .

  15. 他们所有的一切当然都得听凭王公的支配。

    All they had were of course at the disposal of the Rajah .

  16. 论清朝对蒙古王公的议叙议处制度

    On the awarding and punishing system of the Qing Dynasty towards the Mongolian nobility

  17. 王公的宠臣舒展他们的金叶

    Great princes ' favourites their fair leaves spread

  18. 最后一个佩戴它的人是王公布品达辛的儿子亚达维达王公。

    The last person known to wear it was his son Maharaja Yadavindra Singh .

  19. 利力浦特许多王公都自豪地系着他们的带子。

    Many of the Lil - liput lords wear their ribbons proudly at all times .

  20. 没有云石或王公们金的墓碑

    Not marble , nor the gilded monuments

  21. 汉代西王母与东王公神话的历史考察

    A Historical Survey of the Myths about West Queen and East Duke in Han Dynasties

  22. 那时候连王公的宫廷里也盛行摔跤这种游戏。

    In those times wrestling was a favourite sport even in the courts of princes .

  23. 鉴于你的英勇,从现在起你将作我的一个王公。

    For your bravery , you will be one of my lords from now on .

  24. 没有大理石或王公们镀金的墓碑

    Not marble , nor the gilded monuments

  25. 那些纳尼亚王公和小姐都安全离开了塔什班城,我却被留在后面。

    Those Narnian lords and ladies got safe away from Tashbaan ; I was left behind .

  26. 这岛面积为1625平方里,由称为拉夜的王公们统治。

    This island , whose surface area measures 1625 square leagues , is governed by rajahs .

  27. 第二天早晨,王国里所有的王公贵族都聚集在宫殿的庭院里。

    The following morning all the lords and ladies of the kingdom assembled in the palace grounds .

  28. 他也是当时在位的克什米尔王公古拉·辛格的非官方政治顾问。

    He was also an unofficial political adviser to Gulab Singh , the then Maharaja of Kashmir .

  29. 我见到了国王、王后及王公和贵妇,他们坐在车里。

    There I met the King , the Queen and the lords and ladies in their coaches .

  30. 以后,她就经常把茯苓饼赏给那些王公大臣。

    Later , she often granted the pie to the ministers of the palace as a reward .