
  • 网络Borneo;PORO POINT;Polo
  1. 新的DNA测试表明婆罗洲顶级捕食者是一种。

    New DNA tests show that Borneo 's top predator is one of a kind .

  2. 图中是清晨时分的婆罗浮屠神殿,使用了HDR(高动态光照渲染)来拍摄。

    It is an HDR ( high dynamic range ) image capture during the early blue hour at the Temple of Borobudur .

  3. 东、西马拉半岛都是以沿海平原上接到草木丛生的丘陵和大山为特色,最高的山是位于婆罗洲岛的海拔4095.2米的京那Q山(GunungKinabalu)又Q神山。

    Both West and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to often densely forested hills and mountains , the highest of which is Mount Kinabalu at4,095.2 m on the island of Borneo .

  4. 中国与马来西亚昨日签署了一项协议,要在资源丰富的马来西亚婆罗洲(Borneo)一条有争议的经济开发走廊联手建造一些大型项目。婆罗洲是世界上最后几处荒野之一。

    China and Malaysia yesterday signed a deal to build large projects in a controversial development corridor in resource-rich Borneo , one of the world 's last great wilderness areas .

  5. 在不同的岛内还有很多不同的族群,如在婆罗岛上的婆罗洲土著部族和Punan部落就拥有不同的生活方式。

    There are also quite different groups within many islands , such as Borneo , with its Dayak and Punan , who have different lifestyles and skintones .

  6. 印度商人在纪元四世纪间,将其宗教带往东方。爪哇诸王创立强大的印度教王朝,如今所剩无几,除了壮观的婆罗浮屠(Borobudur)寺庙废墟之外。

    Indian traders brought the religion east during the fourth century AD. The Javanese kings founded a mighty Hindu dynasty , little of which remains today except the impressive temple ruins at Borobudur .

  7. 英国的北婆罗洲(现今名为沙巴州sabah)先前是在苏禄人统治下的英国直辖殖民地,同时砂劳越(sarawak)曾经是布鲁克家族的私人封地。

    British North Borneo ( currently the state of Sabah ) was a British crown colony formerly under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu , whilst the territory of Sarawak was the personal fiefdom of the Brooke ( white Rajah ) family .

  8. 根据Dronaparva,《摩诃婆罗多》的其中一部分,还有《罗摩衍那》,维曼那被描绘成球体的形状,就像疾风那样迅速,由水银产生。

    According to the Dronaparva , part of the Mahabarata , and the Ramayana , one Vimana described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury .

  9. 这场悲剧发生时,奈纳德维女神殿内面挤满了人,当时正是为期9天的那婆罗怛罗节的第二天。

    The temple was packed at the time of the tragedy .

  10. 摩诃婆罗多伟大的印度史诗里有这么一段话:

    a line from the Mahabharata , the great Indian epic :

  11. 亚洲东南部的一个国家,包括马来半岛的南部和婆罗洲岛的北部。

    A country in southeastern Asia on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula .

  12. 这像是《摩呵婆罗多》正在描述一场原子战争!

    It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war !

  13. 马来西亚的一部分,位于婆罗洲岛。

    The part of Malaysia that is on the island of Borneo .

  14. 来自《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》的主题也描绘在这些扑克上。

    Themes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata are painted on these cards .

  15. 产于东南亚、婆罗洲和菲律宾的猴子。

    Monkey of southeast Asia , Borneo and the Philippines .

  16. 发现:婆罗洲岛竹节虫为世界最长昆虫。

    Scientist say stick bug is world 's longest insect .

  17. 婆罗摩火山是爪哇岛最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

    Bromo is one of Java island 's most popular tourist attractions .

  18. 她住在婆罗洲深山老林中的某一个地方。

    She lives somewhere in the wilds of borneo .

  19. 它拍摄于婆罗摩国家公园。

    It was taken in Bromo National park .

  20. 婆罗浮屠基础周围的半浮雕神秘地被石墙所掩盖。

    The bas-reliefs around the base of the Borobudur were mysteriously-covered by stone walls .

  21. 我记得摩诃婆罗多,伟大的印度史诗里有这么一段话:

    And I remembered a line from the Mahabharata , the great Indian epic :

  22. 他是个学校老师,一个婆罗门人,裹着干净的腰布。

    He was a school teacher , a Brahmin , with a clean dhoti .

  23. 婆罗洲东北部马来西亚一地区。

    A region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo .

  24. 远古时代的身份焦虑&《摩诃婆罗多》的主题研究

    The Worries of Identity in Primitive Ages

  25. 佛教信徒一卫塞节期间释放到空气中的婆罗浮屠寺灯笼。

    Buddhist followers release a lantern into the air at Borobudur temple during Vesak Day .

  26. 婆罗洲西北部的苏丹国。

    A sultanate in northwestern Borneo . the islands in the northwestern part of Oceania .

  27. 几种单胞藻混合喂养婆罗异剑水蚤,其群体增殖效果总体上比单种藻类喂养来得显著。

    Generally , the effects of mixture feeding are significant than those of single-species feeding .

  28. 婆罗洲森林深处

    Deep in the forests of Borneo ,

  29. 一个住在尼泊尔从婆罗门人和拉其普特人继传下来的印度民族。

    A member of a Hindu people descended from Brahmins and Rajputs who live in Nepal .

  30. 这些扑克是用布料制造,描述《罗摩衍那》、《摩诃婆罗多》等主题。

    These cards were made of cloth and depicted motifs from the Ramayana , Mahabharata , etc.