
  1. 一种观点是婆罗浮屠寺庙僧人照亮周围作为走在卫塞节5月17日。

    A view of Borobudur temple is illuminated as buddhist monks walked around it during Vesak Day May17 .

  2. 在卫塞节的婆罗浮屠寺庙僧人祈祷,俗称为'佛的生日大乘佛教在婆罗浮屠5月17日纪念碑。

    A Buddhist monk prays at Borobudur temple on Vesak Day , commonly known as'Buddha 's birthday ' , at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument on May17 .

  3. 印度商人在纪元四世纪间,将其宗教带往东方。爪哇诸王创立强大的印度教王朝,如今所剩无几,除了壮观的婆罗浮屠(Borobudur)寺庙废墟之外。

    Indian traders brought the religion east during the fourth century AD. The Javanese kings founded a mighty Hindu dynasty , little of which remains today except the impressive temple ruins at Borobudur .