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pó niánɡ
  • woman;wife;young married woman;cow;broad
婆娘 [pó niáng]
  • [young married woman] 泛指已婚的青年妇女

婆娘[pó niáng]
  1. 臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?

    Do you realize , woman , the scandal and publicity that will be involved ?

  2. 他第一次可以仔细把那婆娘打量一眼。

    For the first time he could see the woman properly .

  3. 你这蠢婆娘!

    You stupid cow !

  4. 她是一个懒婆娘。

    She is a slatternly female .

  5. 不要叫你的妹妹做笨婆娘!

    Don 't refer to your sister AS a silly cow !

  6. 她是个粗野得够呛的人,一个蛮横的婆娘。

    She was a rough enough woman , a tough one .

  7. 哈!恐龙妹和婆娘谈恋爱。

    Look ! Fat Doris and the sissy are in love .

  8. 告诉那个丑婆娘少管闲事。

    Tell the old bag to mind her own business .

  9. 我可不喜欢酒婆娘的饮料

    I don 't like wine . Woman 's drink .

  10. “我没有想到。”那婆娘说。

    " Without suspecting it ," said the woman .

  11. 那个疯婆娘准在那儿。

    That mad cat is sure to be there .

  12. 前进!猛冲者、跳舞者、凶婆娘和闪电!

    Now Dasher ! now , Dancer ! now , Prancer and Vixen !

  13. 谢谢。真是个恶婆娘!

    Rachel : Thank you . What a bitch .

  14. 那你知不知道那臭婆娘还很可悲?

    Do you even know this bitch 's pathetic ?

  15. 打电话给瑞根,妈的,这婆娘没死。

    This tall drink of cocksucker ain 't dead .

  16. 老头子为这事和那婆娘较上劲了。

    The old man went to the mat for you guys on this one .

  17. 这位凶婆娘抢了我的洗衣机。

    That horrible woman just took my machine .

  18. 汉娜和玛丽落在两个战士和他们的婆娘手上,要代他们负重。

    Hannah and Mary were given to a pair of warriors and their squaws .

  19. 灯光下他突然看出来,那婆娘敢情很老。

    What he had suddenly seen in the lamplight was that the woman was old .

  20. 珂赛特的母亲走了以后,那汉子对他婆娘说

    When Cosette 's mother had taken her departure , the man said to the woman

  21. 她退化成为一个懒婆娘了!

    She degenerates into a mere slut !

  22. 将罪责都推到了奥地利婆娘的身上

    to blame the Austrian , L'autrichienne .

  23. 臭婆娘,老子吃牛排时少跟我唧唧歪歪。

    Woman , don 't talk to me while I 'm eatin ' my steak !

  24. 我说淹死这臭婆娘算了。

    I say drown the wench .

  25. 我没功夫理你,蠢婆娘,我有我的事。

    I don 't give a shit , you stupid cow ! I have other problems .

  26. 你们觉得怎么样,婆娘们?

    What think ye , gossips ?

  27. 你这臭婆娘记住了啊。

    Remember that , you wench .

  28. 我深知默多克森这婆娘是个坏透了的女人,可是我想她喜欢过我。

    I knew this woman Murdockson was an infernal hag , but I thought she loved me .

  29. 我可不喜欢酒婆娘的饮料我要去派克城

    I don 't like wine . Woman 's drink . I need to get to Pyke .

  30. “婆娘们,”一个满脸横肉的五十岁的老婆子说,“我跟你们说说我的想法。

    " said a hard-featured dame of fifty ," I 'll tell ye a piece of my mind .