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  • 网络Cun language;cuq
  1. 村语中的若干粤语关系词

    Some Relative Words Between Cantonese Dialect and Cun Language

  2. 海南村语的代词

    The Pronoun of Hainan 's Cun Yu

  3. 现以村语来自动词的持续体和完成体的标记为例讨论这一现象。

    The marks of continuous and perfect aspects in the language as cases are discussed in the paper .

  4. 第三章描写银村仫佬语中词的构成。主要介绍了银村仫佬语的构词方式和各类借词的形式特点。

    Chapter Three describes the word formation , mainly introducing the word-building types and the features of the loan words .

  5. 本文以白语中部方言区丽江市古城区七河乡共和太平村的白语为例,在广泛阅读白语和话题研究专著及论文的基础上成文。

    This article takes central dialect of the ancient city of Lijiang City area Republic of seven Township Tai Ping Bai language as example , on the basis of the extensive reading of the Bai language and topics of research monographs and papers written .

  6. 以上这些,都对其竞选有较大的帮助。他是2001年脱党的,并且甚至很有可能采取行动来吸引一些村里讲威尔士语的农民首次加入保守党。

    He defected from Plaid in2001 and may even lure some Welsh-speaking farmers in the valleys to the Tories for the first time .

  7. 21世纪是全球信息化蓬勃发展的时代,英语已成为当今地球村国际的通用语,英语教学已经成为跨文化教育最重要和最直接的手段。

    The 21st century is a global information technology boom era . English has become the international lingua franca of the global village , as such intercultural education should be of the utmost important .