
  • 网络Publicity of village affairs;open village affairs
  1. 第二部分主要介绍了大武四村村务公开的概况,包括大武四村的基本情况和该村的村务公开发展历程。

    The second part describes the open village affairs of Dawu Si village , includes the general situation and the development of open village affairs in the village .

  2. 因此,在改革发展的新形势下,村务公开在广泛推行的同时,进行有益的探索和创新显得至关重要。

    However , under the new situation of the reform , the exploration and innovation is very important for the open village affairs .

  3. 本章是村务公开的基础知识。

    This part is basic knowledge of publicizing general village affairs .

  4. 推进村务公开面临的问题与对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Transparency of Village Affairs

  5. 村务公开的监督机制探讨

    An Analysis of the Surveillance Mechanism of Village Affair 's Publicity

  6. 村务公开制度的变迁及其展望

    On the Transference and Perspective of Rural Public Affair System

  7. 进一步完善村务公开制度的对策与建议

    Policies and Advices to Further Perfection of System of Village Affairs Openness

  8. 村务公开存在的问题及对策探讨&以新田县某乡村务公开为例

    Approach to the Problems Existing in Making Village Affairs Public

  9. 21世纪村务公开制度的发展取决于多种因素。

    In the 21st century , such a system depends on many factors .

  10. 90年代村务公开制度得到了普及与推广,制度化、规范化探索受到重视。

    In1990 's , it got its popularity and attracted much more attention .

  11. 新农村建设背景下村务公开中存在的问题及对策研究

    The Problems and Solutions of Village Affairs Opening in the Construction of New Countryside

  12. 现阶段村务公开存在的问题及对策

    Problems in the Current Practice of the Transparency of Village Affairs and Solutions to Them

  13. 完善法制体系,保障村务公开依法实施;

    To improve the legal system ;

  14. 第一部分主要叙述了村务公开制度产生的必然性以及几个重要的发展阶段。

    The first part is a description of the unavoidable generation and development stages of the system .

  15. 村务公开是村民自治制度的重要组成部分,是实行村民自治的内在要求。

    As a core step to realize villagers ' autonomy , village affairs opening is the inherent requirement of it .

  16. 两条主线相互交织,最终解答了我们在调研中发现的为何良好的村务公开却不能带来对村务公开内容与制度的信任的问题。

    Two main lines intertwined , and ultimately answered why the well village affairs system can not bring the peasants ' political trust .

  17. 中国村务公开制度萌芽于人民公社时期,酝酿初建于80年代中后期。

    China 's rural public affair system originates in the " People 's commune " period , developed in the middle and late 80 's.

  18. 目前,国内的村务公开工作已取得良好进展,但同时仍存在很多值得关注的问题。

    Now , the village affairs opening has been nation widely carried out and made good progress . However , some trouble still exist and need more concerns .

  19. 当前我国的村务公开制度从本质上属于村干部主导型的公开,公开的程序和内容,形式大于实际。

    Nowadays , the rural village affairs system in China still belongs to the village cadres led public , the process and content more in the form than its actual effects .

  20. 要克服具体处境对村民自治的消极影响,充分发挥村民自治的功能,就必须对村委会选举、村民决策、村规民约、财务管理以及村务公开等制度进行创新。

    In order to avoid the negative effect on rural autonomy and make good use of its functions , we should make reforms in election of committee , decision making , financial management and open affairs , etc.

  21. 首先,一事一议是以解决广大村民最关心、最现实的利益问题为切入点,有利于深化村务公开,落实村民的知情权。

    First , the " thing " is most concerned about the crowd of villagers to solve the most practical interests as the starting point , the content of village affairs is conducive to deepening the implementation of the peasant masses to know .

  22. 笔者按照村务公开发展变迁的时间顺序,将村务公开的发展历程大致划分为四个阶段,即村务公开的自发产生阶段、初建阶段、迅速发展阶段以及深化发展阶段。

    The author , according to time sequence of development process , divided into four stages approximately ( the stage of production spontaneously , the stage of primary construction , the stage of expanding rapidly as well as the stage of deepening development ) .

  23. 村务公开制度实行二十多年,从村民的自发创造到政府的大力推广,从随意性的非制度状态走向程序化、规范化的制度运作,其发展经历了形成、推广、规范、深化的历程。

    Village affairs opening has been implemented for over two decades , from the spontaneous creation by villagers to the popularizing by government , from the random non-system state to the procedural , institutionalized and standardized exercising . Its development went through forming , generalizing , standardizing and deepening .