
mín zhènɡ jú
  • Civil Affairs Bureau;municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs
  1. 之后BBC新闻报道称“已经在阿伯丁郡的亨特利民政局预约6月23日登记结婚”,证实了婚期。

    BBC News would later report that , " A 23 June date has been posted at the Huntly registration office in Aberdeenshire " confirming their wedding was scheduled for this weekend .

  2. 具体事宜可到民政局咨询!

    Specific arrangements can seek advice to civil administration bureau !

  3. 结婚和离婚相关流程是由市属民政局负责处理的。

    Weddings and divorces are handled by the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau .

  4. 广州市民政局精神病院康复楼

    Asylum Healing Building of Civil Administration Bureau of Guangzhou

  5. 朝阳区民政局办公用房改和扩建工程

    Renovation and Extension of Office Building for Chaoyang Civil Affairs Bureau of Beijing

  6. 资料来源:北京市民政局。

    Source : Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau .

  7. 所以她前往当地的民政局申请结婚证书。

    She went to the local Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a marriage certificate .

  8. 北京市民政局一位不愿透露姓名的官员告诉新京报记者,北京所有墓地将在2050年用完。

    An anonymous official with the BMCAB told The Beijing News that Beijing will run out of tombs by 2050 .

  9. 1990年3月,资阳县民政局终于发给了她优抚证,每月享受优抚补助金25元。

    In March , 1990 , Bureau of Ziyang Civil Administration issued her favoured-treated card and 25-yuan allowance per month .

  10. 北京市民政局还表示,北京还将拨款约1400万美元支持养老服务机构的运营。

    The bureau says Beijing will also allocate about 14 million dollars to support the operation of elderly service institutions .

  11. 北京市民政局婚姻登记处处长韩明喜表示,有些人没有表现出对婚姻登记应有的尊重,

    The bureau 's marriage registration director , Han Mingxi , says people aren 't showing sufficient respect for the process .

  12. 2009年,在高密市政府互联网网站评测中,高密市民政局门户网站获得了市直部门优秀政府网站称号。

    In 2009 , Gaomi portal website received the title of outstanding government website in the Gaomi government Internet site evaluation .

  13. 据上海民政局最新统计数据,上海的跨国婚姻数量正在稳步上升。

    According to recent statistics from the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau , the number of intercultural marriages of Shanghai is rising steadily .

  14. 从今年7月1日起,登记结婚的北京市民都可以在各个民政局享受到一个免费、简单的颁证仪式。

    From July 1 , Beijing residents getting married will enjoy a free simple ceremony when registering at any civil affairs bureau .

  15. 直到2005年,民政局才呼吁法律制定者为在中国的慈善机构立法。

    It was only until 2005 when the Ministry of Civil Affairs called on lawmakers to enact a charity law in China .

  16. 对上海市民政局主管的社会团体及民办非企业单位的调查与思考

    Reflection on the Findings of Social Groups and Private Sectors of Non-Enterprise under the Competent Authorities of Shanghai Bureau of Civil Administration

  17. 他去拜访了民政局,民政局拒绝给我们签发出境的签证。

    He visited the Home Affairs Department which refused to issue the visas necessary for us to be able to leave the country .

  18. 在该平台基础上,搭建了高密市民政局门户网站。

    On the platform , Gaomi civil affairs portal site has been set up , branch sites of three units have been integrated .

  19. 据河北省民政局数据显示,此次特大暴雨已造成河北省114人死亡,111人失踪。

    Torrential rain and floods have left 114 people dead and 111 others missing in Hebei , according to the provincial civil affairs bureau .

  20. 胶州民政局同意承担王国成的住院费,并与医院签定了长期协议,每年1600美元。

    In Jiaozhou , the local civil-affairs bureau agreed to pay for Guocheng 's hospitalization , signing a long-term contract of $ 1,600 a year .

  21. 上午9点在海淀区民政局,一对对情侣正在排队等候宣誓,领取结婚登记证。

    At 9 am in the civil affairs bureau of Haidian District , couples are waiting in lines to and get their marriage registration certificate .

  22. 爆料给这家八卦网站的目击者称——这对爱侣手牵着手上台阶,进去了民政局,比伯还很“激动”。

    The lovebirds were seen walking up the steps hand-in-hand to the'Marriage Bureau ' with Justin ' emotional , ' eyewitnesses told the gossip site .

  23. 民政局称,受灾人数达80万人,官方估计,经济损失可达47亿元人民币,合7.6亿美元。

    The Civil Affairs Bureau said 800,000 people were affected , and officials estimate the economic loss at 4.7 billion renminbi , or $ 760 million .

  24. 河南省的农村妇女专程从乡下来到县城民政局,为印度洋海啸灾区捐款。

    A rural woman of Henan province goes out of her way from the countryside to the county 's civil administration to donate to Indian Ocean tsunami-hit areas .

  25. 这是昨日记者在沈阳市民政局举行的沈阳市低保建制十周年座谈会上了解到的。

    The information was published yesterday on the ten-year anniversary forum for the establishment of the security living income standard in Shenyang held by the Shenyang Bureau of Civil Affairs .

  26. 他们是那天在市民政局领取结婚证的7300对夫妻中的几个,见证了一场吉祥意义的结婚盛况。

    They were among some 7,300 couples who drew marriage certificates at civil affairs bureaus across the city that day , which witnessed a marriage boom for its auspicious meaning .

  27. 这些附加的工作和缓慢的进程是浦东新区民政局选择每天限号办理离婚的部分原因。

    The additional work and slower process was part of the reason why Pudong district 's civil affairs bureau chose to reduce the number of appointments it would handle each day .

  28. 韩处长表示,民政局最近在对大量的离婚案例进行分析,并向专家征求了诸多可以“促进家庭和谐发展的方法”。

    Mr Han says his bureau is currently analysing a large number of divorce cases , and asking experts to " propose methods and ways to promote marriage and family happiness . "

  29. 根据民政局的统计数据显示,近年来,我国每年因为自然灾害造而成的直接经济损失都超过1000亿元。

    According to the Bureau of Civil Affairs statistics show that in recent years , China made from natural disasters every year in direct economic losses are more than 100 billion yuan .

  30. 研究表明:昆明市非营利性体育组织包含在昆明市民政局和体育总会注册的非营利性体育协会(体育社团)非营利性体育俱乐部两大类。

    Research shows that : Kunming non-profit sports organizations included in the Kunming civil affairs bureau and sports federation registered non-profit sports association ( sports clubs ) non-profit sports club two kinds big .