
  • 网络Ethnic Studies;ethno-national studies
  1. 从十七大报告谈我国民族研究的思路&兼驳民族研究的边缘化问题

    From the Report of the 17th CPC National Congress , Discuss the Mentality of the Ethno-national Studies in China and Refutes some Marginalization Problems Arisen from it

  2. 羌族研究是西南民族研究的重要组成部分。

    Study of the Qiangs is an important component of southwestern ethnic studies .

  3. 少数民族研究生英语学习之情感因素探究

    On Affective Factors in English Learning of Ethnic Master Candidates

  4. 20世纪汉民族研究概述

    A Brief Review on the Sinology in 20th Century

  5. 族群理论与中国的民族研究

    Ethnic Groups ' Theory and Nationalities Research in China

  6. 受命不迁,生发河湟&民族研究所成立25周年之回顾

    Retrospection of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Institute of Research for Nationalities

  7. 中华学与中华民族研究

    Ponderation Over the Study of the Chinese Nation

  8. 蒙古国的社会经济发展与中蒙关系●潘乃谷马戎根锁西北民族研究1997年第1期(总第20期)【内容提要】蒙古是我国邻国,与我国有着密切的历史关系。

    As our neighbour , Mongolia has a very close historical relationship with our country .

  9. 因此,收集碑文是我国民族研究的一个基础性的工作。

    So collecting the inscription on a tablet is a base work for academic studies .

  10. 试论民族研究资料信息工作的五性原则

    A Trial Discussion on the Five Qualities ' Principle of Data Information Work Concerning National Studies

  11. 马曜先生的民族研究:以直接过渡理论为中心的分析

    Ma Yao 's Ethnic Studies : An Analysis from the Perspective of " Direct Transition "

  12. 本文指出,在西南民族研究中,区域性的综合研究与理论性的战略研究有所增强;

    This article points out the regional comprehensive study and the theoretical strategical study should be strengthened .

  13. 试论海外华人研究在汉民族研究中的地位与作用

    On the position and roles of researches on the oversea ethnic Chinese in studies of the Han ethnic group

  14. 人类学与部落民族研究&过去的经验及未来的模式

    Anthropology and the Study of Aboriginal and Tribal Peoples & Lessons Learned from the Past , Models for the Future

  15. 肩负使命与时俱进&写在海南省民族研究基地成立一周年之际

    Shoulder the Mission Keep Pace with the Times & Written on the anniversary of the establishment of " Hainan National Research Base "

  16. 从汉族中心到各族平等&19世纪末20世纪初中国少数民族研究思想的转变

    On the Attitude Transferring from " Han is the Central " to " Each Ethnicity is Equal " in the Late Nineteenth Century and the Early Twentieth Century

  17. 本文结合海南少数民族研究全文数字资源库的建设实践,分析自建特色数据资源库建设应重视的方法、途径以及相关问题。

    Based on narration about the constructional work of Hainan Minorities Research Paper Database , this paper analyses methods , ways and relative questions in constructional practice of self-built characterised databases .

  18. 自20世纪60年代中期以来,肯定性行动计划通过特别招生计划、财政资助、补习教育、少数民族研究课程等措施,有力地促进了美国少数民族高等教育的发展。

    Since the mid 1960s , American minorities higher education has developed rapidly owing mainly to affirmative action programs measures such as special admission programs , financial aids , compensatory education , minorities study programs and so on .

  19. 就LCAPIMS的接口、色谱系统、检测方式及其在天然药和民族药研究中的应用作一综述。

    A review was supplied to introduce LC - API - MS technique including interface , chromatographic system , detection mode , and its application in the study of natural drugs and ethnic drugs .

  20. 新疆维吾尔族中学生的民族认同研究

    The Research of Xinjiang Uygur Middle School Students ' Ethnic Identity

  21. 云南与周边国家跨境民族教育研究现状述评

    Comments on the Cross-border Ethnic Education in Yunnan and Peripheral Countries

  22. 新时期中国青年民族意识研究

    On National Consciousness of China Youth in the New Period

  23. 我国少数民族文献研究的现状与展望

    Current Situation and Prospects of Chinese Minorities ' Literatures Research

  24. 后冷战时期民族分离主义研究

    Study on the Ethnic Separatism in the Post-Cold War Era

  25. 2004年我国民族器乐研究综述

    A Summary of National Musical Instrument of China in 2004

  26. 梁启超民族史研究的理论与方法

    Theory and method of Liang qi-chao 's national history study

  27. 中国古代民族观研究的回顾与思考

    The Retrospection and Reflection on the Concept of Nations in Ancient China

  28. 贵州西部杨梅属植物的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical Study on the Plants of Myrica in the West of Guizhou

  29. 中国民族伦理学研究概述

    A Survey of the Ethnics Studies of Chinese Minority Nationalities

  30. 文艺复兴时期法国民族史学研究

    The Study of the French National History in the Renaissance