
mín zú yā pò
  • national oppression
  1. 四等级的划分与民族压迫:元朝统治者把全国各族人分为四等。

    The four classes of citizens and the national oppression : the Yuan governors divided the nationalities in China then into four classes .

  2. 他反对民族压迫和侵略,要求尊重各民族的传统以及由此造成的独特的民族性格。

    He was opposed to national oppression and national invasion , and urged to respect the traditions of nationalities and the characters of nationalities .

  3. 黑人及其他遭受民族压迫的各族人民

    Blacks and other nationally oppressed peoples

  4. 元代统治阶级实行残酷的阶级压迫和民族压迫政策;

    The ruling class of Yuan Dynasty carries out the policies of class oppress and nationality oppress .

  5. 外部没有民族压迫,有的是自己民族压迫别的民族。

    In their external relations , they are not oppressed by , but themselves oppress , other nations .

  6. 反对民族压迫和歧视,发展民族平等、互助、团结关系,实行民族区域自治制度。

    Opposing ethnic oppression and discrimination , developing ethnic equality , mutual aid and unity , and carrying out the ethnic regional autonomy system .

  7. 他们认定中国妇女所以遭受民族压迫、社会压迫和自我压抑,究其根基是由传统家庭伦理关系所致。

    They thought that the chinese women were suffering from national oppression , social oppression and self-depression , the basic cause was due to the traditional family ethics relationship .

  8. 经过开放式族际通婚阶段之后,由于阶级压迫、民族压迫等外部原因,也由于维护自身文化的发展等内部原因,回族进入了族内通婚阶段。

    Afterwards , owing to class oppression and ethnic oppression and the Hui people safeguarding the development of their own culture , their marriage was carried out in a relatively closed system of endogamy .

  9. 回首百年滇越沧桑,既充满了民族压迫、民族剥削的血泪,也蕴含着许多令人沉思的历史教训。

    Looking back to the centenary vicissitudes of Yunnan and Vietnam , they were filled with blood and tears of national oppression and exploitation , and also contained with many thoughtful lessons of history .

  10. 太平天国针对当时清政府的民族压迫政策和由于社会历史原因导致的民族间发展不平衡而存在的差异性矛盾,提出了相应的主张和措施。

    Aiming at Qing dynasty ` s policy of ethnic oppression and the ethnic inconsistency due to the imbalance of development between deferent nationalities , Taiping Heavenly Kingdom brought forward the relevant opinions and measures .

  11. 在社会主义制度下,民族压迫、民族歧视、隔阂的社会阶级根源虽然已被消除,但由于民族间发展不平衡和民族差异而产生的民族问题依然存在。

    Under the socialist system , national oppression , ethnic discrimination , social class origin of the barrier has been eliminated , but the ethnic problems arising as a result of the uneven development of inter-ethnic and ethnic differences still exist .

  12. 元末农民大起义的特点和历史意义:元末农民大起义是以汉族人民为主体、包括其他各族劳动人民在内的反对元朝封建统治和民族压迫的一场大规摸斗争。

    The features and historical meaning of the Peasant Uprisings at the end of Yuan : The Peasant Uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty is a great struggle a-gainst the Yuan feudal control and national oppression with the major force of the Hans and the other nationalities .

  13. 反对任何形式的民族歧视和压迫

    Opposing Ethnic Discrimination or Oppression of Any Form

  14. 于今帝国主义则更加无义战,只有被压迫民族和被压迫阶级有义战。

    This is even truer of imperialism today , for it is only the oppressed nations and the oppressed classes that can wage just wars .

  15. 禁止对任何民族的歧视和压迫。

    Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited . ' '

  16. 在旧中国,长期存在着严重的民族歧视和民族压迫。

    In old China , severe national discrimination and oppression existed over a long period of time .

  17. 充分体现了乾隆君臣重法治回的思想,暴露了统治者民族歧视和民族压迫的反动本质

    It reflects the understanding of ' ruling Hui nationality through severe law ' in Qianlong time , the reactionary instinct of ethnic prejudice and oppression

  18. 其核心内容是:争取民族独立和人民解放,结束民族压迫和民族剥削,使少数民族获得基本的生存权;

    The kernel of the idea is to win national independence and the people 's liberation , to bring an end to ethnic oppression and exploitation so that the national minorities obtained the basic right of existence .

  19. 但是在资产阶级统治地位确立以后,资本主义国家在全世界开拓殖民地和商品销售市场,资产阶级对于民族自由的追求转变为民族征服与民族压迫。

    However , they began to open up the colony and commodity market through the world after the dominance of the bourgeois . So the bourgeois pursuit of national freedom became into the national oppression .

  20. 此后的反犹主义站在了民族的高度上,对犹太民族的敌视和压迫,都显得是那么地合情合理。

    Afterwards , anti-Semitism is on the side of the nation , so it seems fair and reasonable that the Jewish are regarded as an enemy and oppressed .

  21. 明末川南,贵州彝族首领奢崇明,安邦彦发起了西南多民族的反明武装斗争,这是封建朝廷极端的阶级与民族压迫政策的结果。

    Yi Nationality heads She Chong-ming and An Bang-yan launched anti-Ming armed straggle of the Southwest groups in the end of the Ming Dynasty . This is the result from extreme class and nationality oppressing policy of feudal court .

  22. 民族的领土原则是把人对于物的统治用于对人的统治,从而产生了统治民族对于被统治民族压迫和剥削。

    The territorial principle put the rule of objects to use human , resulting in the national oppression and exploitation .