
yuē fǎ
  • provisional constitution;provisional consitution
约法 [yuē fǎ]
  • [provisional constitution] 简约法令。也指国家在未成立以前,由议会制定政府与人民共同遵守的根本法

约法[yuē fǎ]
  1. 《中华民国训政时期约法》制定过程浅析

    " Republic of China Government during Training about the Law " on Making Process

  2. 中国第一部近代宪法&《鄂州约法》

    The First Constitution in History of Modern China : E Zhou Provisional Constitution ;

  3. 其中最重要的成果是《中华民国临时约法》。

    The most important one was The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China .

  4. 兹特约法八章,愿与我全体人民共同遵守之。

    We hereby proclaim the following eight-point covenant by which we , together with the whole people , shall abide .

  5. 当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件,他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。

    When a highly volatile case confronts the police , a young maverick cop with mystical powers is put on the case .

  6. 在匪盗捣乱城市之前,约法纳必须找到猛虎魔剑,把马萨绳之以法。

    Yosthana must find the tiger blade , bring Mahesak to justice , before the bandits bring total chaos to the city .

  7. 他们老大是可怕的马萨,他和约法纳一样,也是魔法高手。

    The gang is led by the fearsome , mahesak , who , like Yosthana is skilled in the art of sorcerymagic .

  8. 分别考察了约法会议、立法院、国民会议、国民代表会议议员选举制度的产生、主要内容及其运行情况,并对上述选举制度的内容进行了评价。

    This dissertation inspects electoral system 's emerging , basic content and operation of them It also appraises the content of those systems .

  9. 在这段时间里,申请公司的营销和商业计划再三的被检查以确保他们完全遵从美国直销协会商德约法的所有条款。

    During this time , the marketing and business plans of applicant companies are reviewed to ensure compliance with all provisions of DSA 's Code of Ethics .

  10. 在剧中,它表现在对神权的反叛,对旧世约法的抗争以及对自由的向往。

    In the drama , it is shown as the rebellion against the theological power , the struggle against the old world convention and the yearning for freedom .

  11. 帕特-西蒙兹:那完全是一场不可理解的比赛。兹特宣布约法八章,愿与我全体人民共同遵守之。

    PS : It is a completely closed chapter . We hereby proclaim the following eight-point covenant by which we , together with the whole people , shall abide .

  12. 在以往的研究成果中多认为:款组织的规约就是约法款,它是侗族的法律或者习惯法。

    In the past achievements , it was thought that stipulations were " article according to the law ", it was the laws of the Dong Nationality or customary law .

  13. 民众在此国法意识的引导下,于私人之间的合约与和约行为中形成了民间的私约法观念。

    Under the guidance of this national law consciousness , during the private behavior of " contract " and " peace treaty ", a private legal concept is formed in civil .

  14. [2]《中华民国临时约法》时孙中山在辛亥革命后担任中华民国临时大总统时颁布的。

    The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China was promulgated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen when he took office as Provisional President of the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution .

  15. 本文根据稳健估计的一般原理,提出了稳健S-变换的概念,导出了其内制约法迭代解法。

    According to the principle of robust estimation , the author in this paper puts forward the concept of Robust S-transformation and gives an iterative solution through the adjustment of inner constraint free-network .

  16. 激烈斗争的结果,《中华民国临时约法》确立了共和国的国体和政体,并促成了中国社会政治制度的根本变革,其功无与伦比。

    As the result of fierce struggles . the Provisional Constitution defined the Republic 's state system and government system , which brought up fundamental transform of China 's social and political systems .

  17. 重视根本法的制定,颁布了具有资产阶级宪法性质的《中华民国临时约法》,为民国法制的建设奠定了理论基础和实践基础。

    Thinking highly of the legislation of the basic law , the enactment of Temporary Constitution of the Republic China provided the theoretical and practical foundation for the construction of the legal system for the Republic .

  18. 首先利用分支界约法寻找结构的主要失效模式,同时采用条件概率法求解结构体系可靠度指标并给出了结构体系可靠度的敏度表达式。

    Firstly , the significant failure modes of structures are identified by using the branch-bound method while structural system reliability is evaluated by conditional probability method , from which expression of sensitivity analysis for the structure system reliability is resulted .

  19. 武昌起义后,为了巩固胜利成果,一些省份的军政府制定了本省的宪法性文件,即各省约法,以根本法的形式确立了资产阶级议会共和政体。

    After Wuchang Uprising , in order to consolidate the victory , the military governments in some provinces formulated their constitutional documents , namely provincial provisional constitutions , which established the bourgeois parliamentary republican regime in the form of fundamental law .