
  • 网络Cape York;york;Cape York Peninsula
  1. 本文介绍澳大利亚的航天政策和航天工业,澳大利亚从事航天事业的经验和教训,以及澳大利亚航天局和约克角航天港的情况。

    This article describes Australian space policy , the Australian space industry , the Australian space office and Cape York spaceport .

  2. 澳大利亚约克角半岛

    Cape York Peninsula , Australia

  3. 有去约克角的直达车吗?

    Is there a direct train to york ?

  4. 考古学家发掘罗马骨架认为是在约克角斗士在此日期的讲义照片网站。

    Archaeologists unearth Roman skeletons thought to be gladiators at a site in York in this undated handout photo .

  5. 约克角半岛:澳大利亚东北部一半岛,位于卡奔塔利亚湾和珊瑚海之间。

    Cape York Peninsula : a peninsula of northeast australia between the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea .

  6. 约克角半岛位于澳大利亚的最北部,是全世界最遥远也未开发的地方之一。

    The Cape York Peninsula sits in Northernmost Australia . It is one of the most remote and undeveloped places in the entire world .

  7. 通过此段,考生可以大致了解考拉的分布主要在澳洲东部及南部沿海地区,从阿德莱德到约克角半岛南部。

    The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia , from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula .

  8. 未被开发虽然使得约克角半岛拥有令人惊讶的自然美景,却也让它成为了澳大利亚最难到达的地方。

    This helps contribute to its stunning natural beauty , but it also makes Cape York about as difficult to reach as any destination in Australia .

  9. 在澳大利亚约克角半岛的谢尔本湾,一条长达七英尺(五米)凶猛残暴的咸水鳄对着相机张开了血盆大口。

    Photograph by Sam Abell Seventeen feet ( five meters ) of brute reptilian force , a saltwater crocodile snaps at the camera in Shelburne Bay , Cape York Peninsula , Australia .

  10. 但是即使是开着四轮卡车,约克角半岛上许多植物蔓生的地方还是无法触及,甚至有的地区只能通过直升机探查。

    But even with 4-wheel drive trucks , many of the more heavily overgrown parts of Cape York Peninsula are completely inaccessible , and some regions have still only been surveyed by helicopter .

  11. 约克角家族(白玫瑰)和兰凯斯特家族(红玫瑰)为争夺英国王位而发起的最终以亨利七世都锋就职君主为结局的战争。

    The name the Wars of Roses was referring to the battles between the great house of Lancaster , symbolized by the red rose , and that of York , symbolized by the white .

  12. 约克角半岛已经成为探险旅行者们最心仪的目的地了,只要那条没铺过的“半岛发展之路”没因为雨季洪水而关闭,他们就会开着吉普车和卡车从那条路进入半岛区域。

    The peninsula has become a popular destination for adventurous tourists , who drive jeeps and trucks down the unpaved Peninsula Development Road whenever it isn 't closed due to flooding during the rainy season .