
pǔ zú
  • Webbed foot;palmate foot;webfoot
蹼足[pǔ zú]
  1. 鸭子的蹼足有助于游水

    Ducks ' webbed feet help them to swim .

  2. 饲粮诱导蹼足类家禽肥肝形成的机理仍不清楚(Hermieretal.,2003),不同品种肥肝形成的差异也不清楚。

    The mechanism of dietary-induced fatty liver of Palmipedes remains puzzling ( Hermier et al . , 2003 ) .

  3. 北海黑白色、短颈、蹼足的潜水鸟。

    Black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas .

  4. 通常是半水栖、蹼足并食虫的两栖动物,体表光滑潮湿,后肢长。

    Insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs .

  5. 北美洲各种可食用蹼足龟,栖息在淡水或半盐水中。

    Any of various edible North American web-footed turtles living in fresh or brackish water .

  6. 南美洲无尾的两栖类啮齿动物,体型大小如猪,部分蹼足;最大的现存啮齿动物。

    Pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet ; largest living rodent .

  7. 北部海域的蹼足潜水海鸟;海雀;角嘴海雀;海雀科鸟;海鸠;等。

    Web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas : auks ; puffins ; guillemots ; murres ; etc. .

  8. 寒冷的南部特别是南极地区的短腿并不能飞翔的鸟,蹼足、鳍状翼。

    Short-legged flightless birds of cold southern esp. Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers .

  9. 南半球大型蹼足的鸟,翅膀长而窄;以强有力的滑翔而闻名。

    Large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings ; noted for powerful gliding flight .

  10. 池塘上有一群水鸟。海鸥科长翅、蹼足的水鸟。

    There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond . long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family .

  11. 长腿、蹼足的黑白涉水鸟,有细长而向上弯曲的喙。身体上半部分向前或向后的弯曲。

    Long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill . an inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward .

  12. 北半球有些原生的食鱼大型潜水鸟,蹼足长得很靠后;与??有亲缘关系。

    Large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back ; related to the grebes .

  13. 鸭嘴兽是半水栖的卵生哺乳动物,全身长毛,鸭嘴蹼足,看起来像是其它动物组装而成的。

    This semiaquatic , fur-covered , duck-billed , web-footed mammal that lays eggs seems to have been assembled from bits of other animals .

  14. 四趾蹼足的大型食鱼海鸟。鱼塘和鸡场多了,大家都吃得上鲜鱼、鲜蛋了。

    Large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feet . There are plenty of fish ponds and chicken farms , supplying everybody with fresh fish and eggs .

  15. 由两边对称的海洋掘足纲软体动物组成的一个小纲。南美洲无尾的两栖类啮齿动物,体型大小如猪,部分蹼足;最大的现存啮齿动物。

    Small class of bilaterally symmetrical marine forms comprising the tooth shells . pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet ; largest living rodent .

  16. 大部分是白羽、蹼足的热带海鸟,常出没在远离陆地的地区。北半球有些原生的食鱼大型潜水鸟,蹼足长得很靠后;与??有亲缘关系。

    Mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land . large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back ; related to the grebes .
