
  • 网络Berliner Zoo;berlin zoo;Zoologischer Garten;Berlin Zoological Garden
  1. 柏林动物园里的北极母熊艾卡正在打盹。

    Female polar bear Aika dozes in Berlin Zoo .

  2. 柏林动物园河马馆玻璃屋顶结构特点

    Structural Characteristics of the Glass Roof of the Hippo House at Berlin Zoo

  3. 柏林动物园共有342只猿猴。

    The zoo has a total of342 apes .

  4. 他变成了在柏林动物园最出名的动物,在世界上也是最出名的熊。

    He became the zoo 's favourite animal and the most famous bear in the world .

  5. 柏林动物园及水族馆

    Berlin Zoological Garden and Aquarium

  6. (德国柏林动物园的明星)北极熊“克努特”(在3月19日下午)突然死亡,它曾经与著名影星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥上过《名利场》杂志封面。

    Knut the polar bear , who shared a Vanity Fair cover with Leonardo DiCaprio , has died .

  7. 德国柏林动物园的北极熊努特正在室外洗澡。

    Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoor enclosure at the zoo in Berlin , Germany .

  8. 昨天在柏林动物园纳特这只北极熊吸引了很多人来给它庆祝它的第二个生日。

    Knut the polar bear draws a crowd as he celebrates his second birthday at the Berlin Zoo yesterday .

  9. 这张上周一摄于德国柏林动物园,是放置在克努特圈地上被鲜花围绕的克努特画像。

    A drawing of Knut is placed amidst flowers at the bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany last Monday .

  10. 由于努特的母亲不想照顾它,所以柏林动物园的管理员必须帮忙。

    Knut 's mother didn 't want to look after him , so zookeepers at Berlin zoo had to help him .

  11. 当年三岁的北极熊克努特,去年一月八日在德国的柏林动物园内的雪地上小歇。

    Then three-year-old polar bear Knut rests in the snow in his enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany on Jan.8 last year .