
sāi bāng zi
  • cheek
腮帮子 [sāi bāng zǐ]
  • [cheek] 人和哺乳动物眼以下和口以上及口旁的脸侧部。也说腮帮

  • 正要再说什么,忽然一大滴水点滴在腮帮上。--王愿坚《普通劳动者》

腮帮子[sāi bāng zi]
  1. 血从他的腮帮子上流下来一点。

    The blood ran down his cheek a little way .

  2. 狒狒把什么储存在腮帮子里?

    What do baboons keep in their cheek pouches ?

  3. 她鼓起了腮帮子。

    She puffed out her cheeks .

  4. 她的腮帮子鼓了起来。

    Her cheeks puffed up .

  5. 他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一大口热气。

    He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath .

  6. 我鼓起腮帮子以表示愤慨。

    I plumped out my cheeks in an expression of indignation .

  7. 这位律师每当沉思时便撮紧腮帮子。

    The lawyer sucked in his cheeks whenever he was thinking hard .

  8. 我朋友告诉我,我的腮帮子看起来都绿了。

    A friend said I looked green around the gills .

  9. 不,他说,点了点头,舌头顶着腮帮子。

    " No ," he said , nodding , his tongue pressing against his cheek .

  10. 他的腮帮子里塞满梨。

    His cheek is stuffed with pear .

  11. 有一天我瞥见她在街上,试图掐红自己的腮帮子。

    Day I caught her in the street pinching her cheeks to make them red .

  12. 她双手托着腮帮子,不知道在想什么。

    She had her chin in her hands , as if lost in a trance .

  13. 用那个脱毛膏脱腮帮子这里的毛可以吗?那个有副作用吗?

    Is wherewith depilated cream is the wool here OK ? Do that have side effect ?

  14. 太好了,咱们要甩开腮帮子大吃一顿!等等,咱们没有烧烤架啊!

    No problem , I went to the store yesterday and got a fancy new grill .

  15. 随着我年龄渐长,我得到的评分也高了,但我鼓腮帮子的毛病总也改不了。

    The ratings got better when I grew older , but I never quite cured the puffy cheeks .

  16. 每当有一只鸟飞过,我都会鼓起腮帮子,呱呱呱呱的大叫。

    Whenever there is a bird flying across , I will summon the cheek , quack quack cried out .

  17. 分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。

    At every discharge by platoons , Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue , a sign of supreme disdain .

  18. 休息室里爆发出一阵大笑,大家捂着腮帮子,纷纷笑倒在沙发上。

    Roars of laughter exploded all around the common room ; people clutched their cheeks and held on to nearby sofas for support .

  19. 我至今还保留着几张评委们对我早期独奏的打分表,上面指出我低音区控制不好,乐句划分做的不好,腮帮子太鼓等等。

    I still have some of the judges rating sheets on my early solos , pointing out my poor control in the lower register , bad phrasing , and puffy cheeks .

  20. 把食物同砂砾一起放到腮帮子里,然后浮出水面,由于鸭嘴兽没有牙齿,所以它们就用砂砾把食物挤碎再吃下去。

    It stores its finds within cheek pouches until it reaches the surface and then uses the gravel to mash up the food for eating - a platypus has no teeth .

  21. 切记使用古铜色腮红,那样你的脸看起来是提早迎来了夏季,而你应该有一个健康的粉红色脸颊。有一天我瞥见她在街上,试图掐红自己的腮帮子。

    DON 'T : Dive into the bronzer " to attempt to speed along summer . " You want to have a healthy , pink glow . Day I caught her in the street pinching her cheeks to make them red .