
sāi hónɡ
  • rouge;powder blusher
腮红 [sāi hóng]
  • [rouge] 涂在面庞上使肤色红润的化妆品,有粉质和油质的两种

  1. 她的头发乌黑卷曲,脸上涂了腮红。

    She had curly black hair and rouged cheeks .

  2. 微醺妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再加上湿润亮泽的头发就成了。

    Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country , achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair .

  3. 我要让我的妆非常简单,只用MaiCouture的腮红纸在我的眼睛和脸部加上highlighter。

    I am gonna keep my makeup really simple by just adding highlighter on my eyes and face , using my blush paper here by Mai Couture .

  4. 我非常喜欢用各种面霜类彩妆,但纳斯(Nars)双色腮红(DualIntensityBlusher,售价30英镑)之类的新款产品也值得一试,它能干湿两用(涂抹湿款产品,如同刚出浴一般)。

    I love cream-textures but it 's worth experimenting with some of the new powder formulas , such as Nars " Dual Intensity Blusher ( £ 30 ) , which can be applied wet for a wash-like effect , or dry .

  5. 法国化妆品巨头丝芙兰(Sephora)曾考虑采用璀璨兰花紫用作一款染发剂的颜色,但最终还是放弃,转而决定只将其用于唇彩、腮红、指甲油和眼影产品。

    French cosmetics giant Sephora considered using radiant orchid as a hair color , but backed off , deciding instead to focus on lips , cheeks , nails and eyes .

  6. 春天流行粉色的腮红和口红,而夏天则会是珊瑚色当道。彩妆艺术家以及化妆品牌RMK的创意总监Tolu说。

    In the spring it was pink cheeks and lips and for summer it will be coral , says make-up artist and creative director for RMK Cosmetics , Tolu .

  7. 她的容妆由绿色眼影和粉色腮红组成。

    She is wears light green eye shadow and pink blush .

  8. 小心使用腮红轻轻地打上腮红。

    Step 4 Watch the blushApply blush with a light touch .

  9. 这个定义不仅包括口红,腮红,和眼线膏。

    This definition includes more than just lipstick , blush and eyeliner .

  10. 同时散粉还能突出眼影和腮红的效果。

    Bronzer can also double for eye shadow and blush .

  11. 你涂腮红前,应该要先上粉底。

    You should put on foundation before applying blush .

  12. 刷腮红按照自颧骨到眼窝的顺序。

    Red-cheek brush should follow the order of from the cheekbone to eyehole .

  13. 想要面色持久红润,可以用两种不同深浅的腮红。

    For a pretty flush that lasts , use two shades of blush .

  14. 7我抹上粉(眼影/腮红/口红)。

    I put on powder ( eye shadow / blusher / lipstick ) .

  15. 比如说,如果用的是液体粉底,就要用腮红膏或者腮红啫喱。

    A cream or gel is perfect over liquid foundation , for example .

  16. 腮红牙齿美白还有染发剂

    in blush or teeth whitening or hair dye .

  17. 该腮红这只是为你。

    The blush that 's just for you .

  18. 刷一层淡淡的桃红或草莓色腮红,但是不要过分。

    Apply a light peach or berry blush , but don 't overdo it .

  19. 用粉红色的腮红让两颊散发出淡淡的红晕。

    Add a subtle flush of colour to the cheeks with a pink blusher .

  20. 大部分人都会用点腮红来衬托肤色。

    Most people should use a blush with a slight brown undertone for best results .

  21. 如何用古铜色腮红让自己看上去可爱又健康,但又不至于显得很不自然?

    How can you get a lovely , healthy glow using bronzer without looking unnatural ?

  22. 腮红只要轻轻地涂抹一点就够了。

    Apply blush with a light touch .

  23. 在脸颊发红的部位涂上一层薄薄的腮红。

    Apply a light layer of blush with a brush where your cheeks are flushed .

  24. 用一把较大的刷子轻轻地在颧骨下面一点的位置刷一点腮红,整体造型看上去更加融洽。

    Delicately apply bronzer under the cheek bones with a large brush for a sculpted look .

  25. 舒尔勒举了眼影和腮红等粉装化妆品的例子。

    Schueller offers the example of powdered cosmetics , such as pressed eye shadow and blush .

  26. 脸部其他地方不要多加修饰,用点粉色腮红和肉色唇膏就行。

    Keep the rest of the look natural with a sweep of peachy blusher and nude lips .

  27. 刷点腮红

    Experiment with blush placement

  28. 腮红和眼影的质地同样也在得到改善,显现出更为自然和润泽的效果。

    Blusher and eye shadow are likewise improving in texture to give a more natural , flattering result .

  29. 在眼睛下面涂点遮瑕霜,并在脸颊上涂点腮红,这样会让你看起来容光焕发。

    Add concealer under your eyes and a little cream blush to your cheeks for a rosy glow .

  30. 慢慢地,她开始加厚妆容,比如划上眼线,涂上古铜色亮粉,再扫点腮红。

    The day progresses , she starts adding on more makeup , such as eyeliner , bronzer and blush .