
bǔ yù
  • feed;nurture
哺育 [bǔ yù]
  • (1) [feed]∶喂养

  • 哺育雏鸟

  • (2) [nurture]

  • (3) 供给食品、滋养品和保健品

  • 不是经最好的母亲哺育的

  • (4) 通过教育培养

  • 要求他们所哺育过的校友们给以财政上的支持

哺育[bǔ yù]
  1. 蒂法尼把自己定位为一位母亲,主要任务是哺育孩子。

    Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother , whose primary task was to feed her baby .

  2. 慢性氟中毒小白鼠哺育的仔鼠生长情况

    The growth change of pups feed by mouse with chronic fluorosis

  3. 不是所有的妇女都能选择是否用母乳哺育自己的孩子。

    Not all women have the choice whether or not to breast-feed their babies

  4. 年轻女性哺育婴儿是生命中最自然、最令人愉悦的一幕。

    A young woman suckling a baby is one of life 's most natural and delightful scenes .

  5. 有些母亲宁愿用牛奶哺育婴儿。

    Some mothers prefer to nourish their babies with milk .

  6. 是谁先爱上我们,哺育我们,对我们无微不至。

    Who first loves and nurtures us and takes care of every need .

  7. ~(60)Co照射诱导胸腺哺育细胞内胸腺细胞凋亡的形态学观察

    Morphological observation on apoptosis of thymocyte within thymic nurse cell induced by ~ ( 60 ) Co irradiation

  8. 狭义的反哺源于哺育,广义的反哺包含哺育,也包含WTO农业支持和保护。

    Back-nurture is resulted from nurture in the narrow sense , but in the broad sense , it includes nurture , even contains agricultural support and protection in WTO framework .

  9. 种鸽繁殖性能上,人工哺育组繁殖周期比自然哺育组缩短21天,其差异极显著(P0.01)。

    In the pigeon reproduction performance the artificial feeding group shorten the breeding cycle of 21-day than nature nurture group . the difference is significant .

  10. 矩形分娩哺育栏长2.6m,宽1.6m,限位架长2.1m,宽0.6m,高1.0m。

    The rectangular farrowing crate is 2.6m long and 1.6m wide .

  11. 目的:研究60Co照射是否会诱导胸腺哺育细胞内的胸腺细胞(thymocytewithinthymicnursecell,TNCT)凋亡,并探讨胸腺哺育细胞(Thymicnursecell,TNC)与TNCT凋亡的关系。

    To study if 60 Co irradiation would induce apoptosis of thymocyte within thymic nurse cell ( TNC-T ) and to investigate the relationship between TNC and apoptosis of TNC-T.

  12. P388白血病小鼠胸腺哺育细胞的电镜观察

    Electron microscopical observation on thymic nurse cell of p_ ( 388 ) leukemic mice

  13. 这个大胡子警察告诉ABCNews说他准备自己照料这只小猫咪到康复状态,因为在他家,他救过一只喵星人,取名叫Toothless,这个猫妈妈正在哺育四只小猫咪。

    The mustached cop told ABC News that he decided to take it upon himself to nurse the kitten back to health because he already had a rescue cat named Toothless at home who happens to be nursing four kittens .

  14. 本试验估测了48小时母仔分离(Doe-LitterSeparation,DLS)对不同哺育方式(自由或控制)的母兔进行同期发情的效果。

    The effectiveness of oestrus synchronization by 48-hour doe-litter separation ( DLS ) was evaluated in relation to the nursing system , free ( FN ) or controlled ( CN ) .

  15. 如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?

    If you are food , do you foster useful life ?

  16. 免疫细胞化学方法观察小鼠胸腺哺育细胞的神经内分泌特性

    The immunocytochemical observation of neuroendocrine characteristic in mice thymic nurse cells

  17. 雌性长颈鹿在哺育小长颈鹿的时候也会怀孕。

    Giraffe females can conceive while still feeding their young infant .

  18. 在家中哺育,喂养的;家养的。

    Raised , bred , or reared at home ; domestic .

  19. 对人类哺育婴儿或哺乳所知甚少。

    Amazingly little is known about human lactation , or nursing .

  20. 不同饲料对乳鸽人工哺育效果的影响

    Affect of Different Feed on Effect of Artificial Feeding of Pigeons

  21. 胸腺哺育细胞&T细胞发育的独立微环境

    Thymic nurse cell-AN isolated microenvironment for the development of T lymphocyte

  22. 小鼠胸腺哺育细胞的表皮角蛋白免疫细胞化学定位

    Immunocytochemical localization of epidermal keratin in thymic nurse cell of mice

  23. 圈养大熊猫母兽成功哺育双胞胎成活初探

    Successful Rearing of Twins by a Female Giant Panda in Captivity

  24. 如同生命需要食粮,你哺育着我的思想,

    So are you to my thoughts as food to life ,

  25. 海豚妊娠分娩哺育期间的观察及护理

    Observations and care of a dolphin during gestation , parturition and lactation

  26. 小熊猫人工哺育及生长发育研究

    Study of artificial raising and Development Of young Red panda

  27. 不同处理大豆蛋白源代乳料哺育早期断奶羔羊的效果

    Effect of feeding early-weaned lambs by milk replacer containing different processed soybean

  28. 在断奶前,母猪会在一定时间间隔哺育她的儿女。

    Before weaning , a sow nurses her litter at frequent intervals .

  29. 是父母给了我们生命,是父母哺育我们成长。

    Parents gave us life , the parents , feeding our growth .

  30. 我们知道世界哺育了万物。

    This world is the nurse of all we know .