
  • 网络johnson;Samuel Johnson
  1. 这些研究人员由传染病中心罗伯特乌德约翰生基金会提供资助资金。

    The research was funded by the CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation .

  2. 又过了几天,约翰生才踱上甲板来,没精打采地做工。

    Several days more passed before Johnson crawled on deck and went about his work in a half-hearted way .

  3. 我至诚地祝贺你与约翰生了个儿子。

    Accept my sincere congratulations to you and dear John upon the arrival of a son .

  4. 《约翰生传》是一本由詹姆斯·包斯威尔创作的关于塞谬尔·约翰生的传记,出版于1791年。

    Life of Johnson is a biography of Dr. Samuel Johnson written by James Boswell , published in 1791 .

  5. 约翰生说“我们地球上的问题是一个城市问题”,它被叫做“严重的问题”在汉城。

    " The problem of our planet is an urban problem ," Johnson said , calling for " serious results " in Seoul .