
  • 网络King John
  1. 第二天设宴款待约翰王。

    On the following day a feast was given in King John 's honour .

  2. 打了胜仗的桑迪在华盛顿城外的一顶帐篷里,花旗(citi)领主、万能的约翰王(kingjohn)走了进来。

    The triumphant Sandy is in a tent outside Washington . The omnipotent King John , Lord of the Citi , enters .

  3. 在爱德华二世和约翰王麾下征战过

    Fought alongside Edward II and King John .

  4. 约翰王不给你们应有的权力,你们决不罢休。

    You will never rest until king John has given you the rights that are yours .

  5. 这种不幸的事也发生在约翰王的身上,1216年,他试图穿过林肯郡的沃什海湾。

    One such mishap involved King John , who in 1216 tried to cross the Wash , a bay in Lincolnshire .

  6. 回到曼哈顿后,桑迪放逐了势力已过于强大的杰米,暗杀了约翰王,自立为华尔街之王。

    Back in Manhattan , Sandy exiles the now too powerful Jamie , assassinates King John , and is proclaimed King of Wall Street .

  7. 男爵们心生怨气,认为国王利用他们的忠诚,专制独裁,于是揭竿而起,占领了伦敦,强迫约翰王进行谈判。

    The barons were angry about the king exploiting their loyalty and taking an absolute approach to power , so they rebelled , took over London and forced the king to negotiate .

  8. 在约翰王时代,他们的分支中有一支很富有,曾给救护骑士团赠送了一份采地;在爱德华二世时代,你的祖先布里恩也应召到威斯敏斯特参加过大议会。

    In the reign of King John one of them was rich enough to give a manor to the Knights Hospitallers ; and in Edward the Second 's time your forefather Brian was summoned to Westminster to attend the great Council there .

  9. 在星期天晚上,约翰来拜访王林。

    John comes to visit Wang Lin on Sunday evening .

  10. 当我与约翰·海明商谈威尔的新剧本—《约翰王》的服装时,我就更有体会。

    I was talking to John Heminges abut the costumes for Will 's new play , King John .