
  1. 被赋予伟大的力量和勇气的虚构老鼠。

    A fictional mouse endowed with great strength and courage .

  2. 用你的号角,我们召唤出了你伟大的力量。

    With your horn , we summon your awesome powers .

  3. 他是一个伟大的力量侯爵、最严峻。

    He is a Marquis great in power , and most stern .

  4. 让他们明白自己身上潜藏着一股伟大的力量

    let them know that they have such greatness out there

  5. 爱赋予我们最伟大的力量。

    It is love that is our greatest strength .

  6. 母爱是世间最伟大的力量。

    Love is the greatest force in the world .

  7. 我相信,长官,在这个地球上最伟大的力量是爱。

    I believe , sir , that the greatest power on earth is love .

  8. 脆弱恰恰可以成为我们最伟大的力量?

    and that vulnerability is our greatest strength ,

  9. 最伟大的力量还是来自人类。

    The Force may be with us .

  10. 我放开我生命中的一切事,因为我知道有伟大的力量会处理好它们。

    I release all issues in my life knowing a great power is handing them .

  11. 这股更伟大的力量我称之为灵魂。

    This greater force I call soul .

  12. 在麦迪逊季度社区,人们每个周日都会聚集在一起做礼拜,向更伟大的力量做祷告。

    At Madison Christian Community , they gather each Sunday to worship a higher power .

  13. 最伟大的力量就是,把最伟大的想法和思想付诸行动!

    The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about .

  14. 不管最初刺激行动的动机如何,坚持始终需要伟大的力量去刺激。

    Whatever motive first incited action , has still greater force to stimulate perseverance . ( No.207 )

  15. 惟有这样,才能锻炼群众,发挥伟大的力量。

    Only in this way can the masses be tempered and their great power given full play .

  16. 这些让我变伟大的力量,来自那些被迫聆听的种种训练。

    What gave me the strength to become great were those assignments where I was forced to listen .

  17. 我们美国人民最伟大的力量是英雄般的善良,勇气和自我牺牲。

    The greatest strength we have is the heroic kindness , courage , and self-sacrifice of the American people .

  18. 对于我来说她已经变成了一个令人难以置信的勇敢的年轻的女人,她有着伟大的力量并且十分完美。

    To me she had become an incredibly courageous young woman , a person of great strength and integrity .

  19. 当我们通过家庭系统排列时,我们被呈现出来,我们是与更伟大的力量连接在一起的。

    When we work with family constellations , we are shown that we are connected to a greater force .

  20. 但我们最伟大的力量是我们思想的力量,这在许多国家一直是最先进的。

    But our greatest strength is the power of our ideas , which are still new in many lands .

  21. 更伟大的力量就是知性,充满智慧,它能积极地引领我们通向一个目标。

    This greater force is knowing , full of wisdom , and it is actively steering us toward a goal .

  22. 通过对希斯克厉夫人性回归的探讨,我们也看到了一种伟大的力量:一种敢于反抗压迫,争取自由和尊严的力量。

    By discussion we also perceive a kind of strong power which is to fight against oppression , strive for freedom and dignity .

  23. 痛苦本身没有任何好处,但如果一个人能连带记得他自己,它就会是伟大的力量。

    By itself suffering can bring nothing , but if one remembers oneself in connection with it , it can be a great force .

  24. 摄影家有能力将这样一种平凡的视觉世界转换成一种富有的符号,构成了摄影最伟大的力量。

    The ability to transform the ordinary facts of our visual world into signs of something richer is one of the great powers of photography .

  25. 当卢米埃尔兄弟以及其他先驱们在展示他们的新发明时,他们决不知道它将会产生如此伟大的力量。

    When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention , it was by no means obvious how it would be used .

  26. 而最终,乔丹最伟大的力量是使他的队友相信他们能做到乔丹要求他们为赢得总冠军所做的任何事情。

    Ultimately , Jordan 's greatest strength was making his teammates believe they were capable of doing whatever he asked them to do to win championships .

  27. 他那真正创新的执教风格使海马军团具有在比赛中更改阵型的善变本领,这是球队最伟大的力量。

    His truly innovative coaching style , which saw the Seahorses show a chameleon-like ability to change formations during matches , was the team 's greatest strength .

  28. 人性的美、智慧的美、艺术的美,以及人类征服自然的伟大的力量之美贯穿于这一追求的全过程。

    The beauty of humanity , wisdom , art and the beauty of conquest by the human being of the nature run through the whole process of this pursuit .

  29. 又或者,内心深处,我们怀疑到底爱是否有着这样伟大的力量,因此不愿意去让自己付出。

    Or , probably , deep down , we have such serious doubts of whether love would ever be that strong , so we tried our best not to surrender our life to the thoughts of this almighty love .

  30. 伟大艺术品的力量可以改变人们的生活。

    Great art has the power to change lives .