首页 / 词典 / good

  • Wei;great;big;mighty
  • 大:~大。~人。~力。~业。~岸。宏~。魁~。丰功~绩。


(伟大) big; great; mighty:

  • 雄伟


  • 魁伟

    big and tall


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 伟璋

    Wei Zhang

  1. 杰出的苏格兰杂文家托马斯卡莱尔(thomascarlyle)写道,世界历史只是伟人们的传记。

    Thomas Carlyle , the eminent Scottish essayist , wrote that the history of the world was but the biography of great men .

  2. 在里奇的一生中,遇到过阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein),曾在莱纳斯·鲍林(LinusPauling)手下工作,认识克里克、沃森以及利奥·西拉德(LeoSzilard)和理查德·费曼(RichardFeynman)等等伟大的物理学家。

    In his lifetime , he met Albert Einstein , worked under Linus Pauling , and knew everyone from Crick and Watson to the great physicists Leo Szilard and Richard Feynman .

  3. 他居功至伟。

    His contribution is immeasurable .

  4. 那是在夏天,我起了个大早,爬到最近的山坡上,看到太阳升起,阳光照耀着伦敦这座人间至伟之城。

    It was summer . I got up really early in the morning . I went and walked to the nearest big hill and I saw the sun rising over London , which is one of the greatest cities in the world .

  5. 雷内恩库格尔酿酒公司CEO杰克•雷内恩库格尔认为,强有力的营销手段居功至伟。

    Jake leinenkugel , CEO , attributes it to beefed-up marketing .

  6. 随机选取法(RCM)计算爆炸波模拟器流场用汇编语言编制了相应的程序,在伟福(Wave)仿真器上进行了测试验证

    The flow field calculation of blast wave simulator by using random choice method

  7. 西安大略大学(UniversityofWesternOntario)的毅伟商学院(IveySchool)和女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)的史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)分别排名94位和100位。

    Rotman is the highest listed at 65 . Western University 's Ivey and Queen 's University 's Smith School of Business are at 94 and 100 respectively .

  8. 专家已评定那些反应堆达到了新的安全标准,菅义伟指的是日本原子能管制委员会(NuclearRegulationAuthority)去年年底结束的一次检查。

    The reactors have been judged by experts to meet the new safety standards , said Suga , referring to a review by the Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan that was completed late last year .

  9. 控制软件部分是以包含C51编译器的伟福E2000集成开发软件包作为控制软件开发平台,用C语言编写的。

    Software The software is developed with C on the WAVE E 2000 platform .

  10. 亚历山德罗米歇尔(AlessandroMichele)对于重振古驰标识可谓居功至伟。

    Alessandro Michele has been instrumental in reviving the logo at Gucci .

  11. 如今全职为社区工会工作的伟成发工会领袖保罗•沃伦(PaulWarren)估计,目前有900名前钢铁厂员工仍处于失业状态。

    Paul Warren , the SSI site 's union leader , now working full-time for the Community union , estimates 900 former steelworkers are still unemployed .

  12. 不过,相比之下,在消灭一流八卦方面“居功至伟”的当属互联网:电子邮件、facebook和twitter。

    But far more than any of this , the thing that is killing the finest sort of gossip is the Internet : email , Facebook and twitter .

  13. 不过,毅伟商学院MBA女性学员比例从26%升至35%,是其将MBA课程从两年制改为一年制之后。

    However , Ivey saw the percentage of women students rise from 26 per cent to 35 per cent when it moved from a two-year to a one-year programme .

  14. 今年我们明确强调,毅伟EMBA课程是专门为公司首席执行官设计的。斯劳特小姐说。

    We have made a clear emphasis this year that we want to be the programme for CEOs , says Ms Slaughter .

  15. 这个问题随后被中国最声名狼藉的狗仔卓伟回答了,他表示,一名C姓男明星,是通过华艺真人秀节目的一名女演员的推荐,从而进入了该节目。

    The question was then answered by the infamous Chinese paparazzo , Zhuo Wei , who claimed that there was a star with the surname that started with C who joined a Huayi reality show through the recommendation of the show 's female cast .

  16. 他的儿子麦考利(Macaulay)今年21岁,曾在伟成发当合同工,如今处于失业状态。

    His son Macaulay , 21 , formerly a contractor at SSI , is unemployed .

  17. 为加强市场上洗涤剂的卫生监督,本文选用nih小鼠对伟超洗涤剂进行毒性研究。

    In order to strengthen hygienic supervise of detergent in the market , we engaged in toxic studying on Welson gleam detergent in NIH mice .

  18. 伟步120C型矿用汽车车轮制动器问题分析

    Discussing the problems of wheel braker of WABCO mine vehicle model 120C

  19. 本文作者是美国伟凯律师事务所(White&CaseLLP)合伙人兼伟凯亚洲纠纷解决惯例主管。

    The writer is a partner of White Case LLP and the head of White Case 's Asian dispute resolution practice .

  20. 斯帕盖蒂是我大学时代认识的好友麦戴伟(PatrickMcDevitt)的好朋友。

    Luca Spaghetti is a good friend of my buddy Patrick McDevitt , whom I know from my college days .

  21. 加拿大西安大略大学(WesternUniversity)毅伟商学院(IveyBusinessSchool)的李升桓(SeungHwanLee,音)和琼•科特(JuneCotte)设计了一份“消费者购后后悔量表”(Post-PurchaseConsumerRegretScale),以追踪购物者后悔的原因。

    A Post-Purchase Consumer Regret Scale , developed by Seung Hwan Lee and June Cotte at what is now called Western University 's Ivey Business School in Ontario , tracks reasons for shopper 's remorse .

  22. 强盗没有对妇女施暴,但伟加一家却不得不穿越这片寒冷夜幕下的沙漠,没有衣服,没有吃的,也没有水。等待他们的是再一次被lamigra抓获。

    They were not , but then had to cross the frigid night desert without clothes , food or water , until la migra caught them again .

  23. 英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)的道格克拉克(DougClark)表示,如果没有独立的司法体系公平解决纠纷,就没有人愿意将真金白银投到上海。

    Without an independent legal system that resolves disputes fairly no one will bring real money to Shanghai , says Doug Clark of the law firm Lovells .

  24. 居家男人伟中(任贤齐(RichieJen)饰)在台北与妻子和他们六岁的儿子一起过着看似幸福平静的生活。

    ( Taiwan ) Family man Wei-chung ( Richie Jen ) is leading a seemingly happy and quiet life in Taipei with his wife and their 6-year-old son .

  25. 日本公共广播公司NHK最近进行的一项调查显示,60%的日本人对菅义伟应对疫情的方式感到不满。

    A recent survey by public broadcaster NHK shows that 60 percent of Japanese people are unhappy with Suga 's response to the virus .

  26. 事实上,它是中国走向世界最知名的金字招牌,对此释永信方丈“居功至伟”,中国媒体给了他“和尚CEO”的绰号。

    In fact , it is probably one of the most famous global brands to have come out of China in any industry , thanks in no small part to the abbot , whom Chinese media have dubbed the " CEO monk " .

  27. 霍金路伟律师事务所(HoganLovells)的中国问题专家表示,这表明中国政府对市场状态并不满意。

    China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market .

  28. 姚明在NBA的职业生涯中所铸就的伟大将在其他方面得以延续——他所从事的事业,重返校园,成为了CBA球队的老板。

    The greatness of Yao Ming will extend well beyond his NBA career - from the causes he 's involved in , to his return to school , to his ownership of a team in the Chinese Basketball Association .

  29. 英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)上海办公室合伙人马锦德(DouglasClark)表示:中国仍在追赶,让本国法律体系达到市场经济的水平。

    China is still playing catch-up to get its laws up to the level of a market economy , says Douglas Clark , partner at the Shanghai office of law firm Lovells .

  30. 近年来,中国的法律体系已经显著改善,但仍然存在地方保护主义和政治影响的问题,英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)驻上海合伙人马锦德(DouglasClark)表示。

    The Chinese legal system has improved greatly in recent years , but problems remain with local protectionism and political influence , said Douglas Clark , a partner with Lovells law firm in Shanghai .