首页 / 词典 / good

  • Peer;fellows;associates
  • 等辈,同类的人们:~类。~辈。吾~(我们这些人)。

  • 婚配:“~男女使莫违”。


[书] (同辈; 同类的人) fellows; associates:

  • 吾侪

    we; people like us

  1. 这乎真侪位市议员足气耶。

    This has made many city councilors furious .

  2. 任何一个版本之前预印本侪审查和出版物,通常的版本提交给期刊。

    A preprint is any version prior to peer review and publication , usually the version submitted to a journal .

  3. 伊讲高雄目前都市欠规划及创意,毋恪有真侪旧工厂盈盈耶土地其实道是乎都市改造尚好耶基础。

    He says currently geohiong lacks planning and creativity , but the land occupied by the deteriorating factories serve as a great foundation for the transformation .

  4. 伊演讲拢讲国内卡侪,到尾有开十分钟久讲著只要中国无动武,伊道袂推独立。

    The inauguration speech addressed mainly domestic issues , and he spent about ten minutes re-iterating that as long as China does not invade , he will not push for independence .

  5. 当然,他这种独到的见解,若不是睥睨群侪,实是过份坦率。不仅如此,它还有一种发人深省的设想。这种设想最先表现在苏格拉底身上,

    Beside this isolated insight , born of an excess of honesty if not of exuberance , there is , to be sure , a profound illusion that first saw the light of the world in the person of Socrates :

  6. 环境品质基金会检验发现台北捷运站耶饮水机三台道有一台耶水无够清气眉菌箱过侪饮了可能会歹腹肚毋恪马市长及水道水耶人员拢保证水质安全。

    The environment quality foundation found that the water in one out of every three drinking fountains at the rapid transit stations contains excessive amount of bacteria , which may cause stomach aches , although Mayor Ma and the Water Bureau spokesperson assured that the water should be safe .