- 名ditransitive verb

The Comparison between Double - Objective Verbs in Chinese and Correlative Verbs in Japanese
We found that the verb is always connected with three cases of Agent , Recipient and Patient .
, and classified 112 descriptive verbs into two big styles . One is ordinary styles includes presented , obtaining , notification , appellation .
We divide it as strong extro-orientational verb , weak extro-orientational verbs , exocentric verbs , nondirectional verbs , endocentric verbs , intro-orientational verbs .
Verb Study of the Double-Object Structures in ZHAN GUO CE
There are 101 verbs bringing double object in ZHAN GUO CE .
Emphatically , the author studies the selectively collocation feature between adjective-as-object verbs of one and two syllables and adjective objects .
This thesis is trying to study the differences , between double objects construction and non double objects construction , typical double objects construction and non , by analysing the differences of the syntax , semantic and cognition .
Overall description of ditransitive constructions , substitution frames , ditransitive verbs on the underground material of language is been made , and been compared and studied from synchronic and diachronic approaches .
Functions of ditransitive verbs are been described by selection of orders of objects , structures of non - saturation and substitution frames ; and relation between grammatical functions and semantic features is been discussed .