首页 / 词典 / good

  • faint;lose consciousness;fall into a coma
  • his or her;its;their
  • 气闭,昏倒:昏~。痰~。

  • 其他的,那个的:~父。~后。

  • 乃,于是:“左丘失明,~有《国语》”。

  • 古同“撅”,掘。

  • 古同“撅”,断木。


(失去知觉; 不省人事; 晕倒; 气闭) faint; lose consciousness; fall into a coma:

  • 昏厥

    fall to the ground in a faint


[书] (其; 他的) his or her; its; their:

  • 厥父

    his or her father;

  • 厥后



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 厥通

    Jue Tong

  1. 厥后指在困难的条件下周旋耐劳研习。

    Later it came to refer to studying under very hard conditions .

  2. 本文从病因、发病机理、临床特点等方面分析,认为厥阴病类似于暴发性肝功衰竭(FHF)。

    It is considered that Jueyin disease offers a close analogy with hepatic failure ( HF ) in point of cause , pathogenesis and clinical manifestations .

  3. 手厥阴心包经与心相关的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Relative Particularity between Hand-Jueyin Pericardium Meridian and Heart

  4. 休克与脱厥证现代研究述评

    A Review of Scientific Research on Shock and TCM Prostration Syndrome

  5. 参附注射液对治疗不同证型厥脱的疗效观察

    Study of the Efficacy of Shen-Fu Injection on Different Types of Jue-Tuo

  6. 它为假冒产品的猖厥提供了广阔的市场空间。

    It provided vast market space for the rampancy of sham product .

  7. 大鼠足厥阴肝经与足少阴肾经和足阳明胃经的形态学研究

    Morphologic Studies of the Liver Meridian Kidney Meridian and Stomach Meridian in Rats

  8. 厥民之初,宇宙洪荒。

    At the very beginning of human life , boundless was the world .

  9. 桦树枝,厥叶,车前花。

    Birch Sticks , Fern Leaves , Ribwort Stems .

  10. 救心复脉注射液对内毒素休克大鼠微循环的影响(救心复脉注射液治疗厥脱证的药效学研究之四)

    Effect on microcirculation of endotoxic shock big mouse with injection of Jiuxin Fumai .

  11. 关于厥阴头痛的理论探讨和临床研究

    Theory Investigate and Clinical Study on Jueyin Headache

  12. 你想看见我厥过去吗?

    Do you wanna see me keel over ?

  13. 电针手厥阴心包经内关穴对冠心病心肌缺血患者具有良好的调整作用。

    Electroacupuncture-PC6 of the hand-jueyin pericardium meridian has the satisfactory adjusted effect on CAD .

  14. 目的结合药理实验寻找抗厥脱有效部位。

    OBJECTIVE To search for effective location for treating syncope and prostration with pharmacological experiments .

  15. 目的:探讨心血管神经源性景厥的临床特征。

    Aim : To investigate the clinical characteristics of cardiovascular neurogenic syncope ( CVNS ) .

  16. 针刺足厥阴经穴治疗前列腺增生症的临床研究

    Clinical study on treating hyperplasia of prostate with puncturing on the points of liver meridian of Foot-Jueyin

  17. 【结论】:参附注射液是有回阳救逆、益气固脱的功效,对阳气暴脱型厥脱最为合适,而在气阴两伤中也可改善部分症状,发挥疗效。

    [ Conclusion ] : Shen-Fu Injection is most applicable in the type & YANG-QI-BAO-TUO of Jue-Tuo .

  18. 第五日开始手足厥冷,尤其高烧41℃,有寒战。

    On the fifth day he began to have a high fever about 41 ℃, with chills .

  19. 不能将六经中的厥阴之“厥”与厥证之“厥”相混淆。

    We could not confuse the Jue of Jueyin in the six channels and the Jue in syncope .

  20. 运用静息态功能磁共振成像技术研究手厥阴心包经在脑中的功能定位

    To Study the Functional Regions of Hand-jueyin Pericardium Meridian in Brain by the Resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  21. 研究东交厥斯坦问题是中国学者研究泛交厥主义的必然归宿。

    The research about Pan-Turkism by Chinese scholars will inevitably result in the study about " Eastern Turkistan " .

  22. 合同诈骗罪是近年来出现的一种较为猖厥、危害巨大的经济犯罪。

    The crime of contract fraud is emerging in recent years a more rampant , endangers the economic crime .

  23. 神厥穴经皮给药促进腹部手术后患者胃肠功能恢复的效果观察

    Observation of the Effect of Percutaneous Drug Administration to Shenjue Points on facilitating Gastrointestinal Function Recovery among Patients Undergoing Abdominal Operation

  24. 目的探讨隔姜隔盐灸神厥穴对胆石症术后尿潴留患者排尿的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of ginger-salt partitioned moxibustion on Shenjue point on urinary , retention after operation on cholelithiasis .

  25. 针刺手厥阴经穴对心肌缺血再灌注损伤线粒体超微结构的影响

    Effects of Electroacupuncture of Acupoints of the Pericardium Meridian on Changes of Myocardial Mitochondria in Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury Rats

  26. 当高兴合不拢嘴与厥起双唇亲吻的这样美好的时刻,有四种简单的方法可以使你的双唇看起来更加的甘美。

    Four easy ways to get luscious lips whether your mouth is opened wide in delight or puckered up for a kiss .

  27. 枢经概念的提出,及少阴枢与厥阴枢之争。

    Proposing the concept of Axis meridians , and the debate of the name " Axis Shao-yin " or " Axis Jue-yin " .

  28. 也开始从不同角度来分析厥,但厥在此处已经非指厥病,而是指症状。

    The also began to analyze " Jue " from different angles , it is not discuss as a disease but a symptom .

  29. 项目团队经常忽略消极短长关厦魅者的益处,厥后不美观是无法使项目达到成功的终点。

    Negative stakeholders are often overlooked by the project team at the risk of failing to bring their projects to a successful end .

  30. 从而认为“厥”有二个不同概念:一是文字义,二是病证名。

    One is the literary meaning of the word ; The other is the name of syncope which is a kind of disease .
