- 名partitive

English partitive construction is a linguistic phenomenon characterized by symbolizing and schematizing the process of conceptualization .
On the Usage of Unit Words on English and Chinese
Analysis on Unit Words of Time in TCSL : Errors
Criterions on identifying the words and phrases ; Discussion of Unit Noun 's uses
The deep structure can mostly be presented as the surface structure made up of an active sentence or a passive one , by means of the unit noun characteristic of transformation function .
Many studies about Chinese and English quantity expressions have been done , yet most of them are about the comparative study between Chinese liang ci and English unit nouns , and the mutual translation as well .
An unusual phenomenon , in the contrastive study of Chinese classifiers and English unit nouns , is found that there is a large and complicated system of English collective unit nouns but a small and simple system of Chinese collective classifiers .
Lexicalization is a process that a word from a lexical unit to a word .
The verb-measure words are used to mean the quantity units of the action , behavior etc.
The unit of complete translation includes the word , phrase , clause , multiple sentence and sentence group .
As the basic element for conveying meanings , words have been a focus for both language learners and researchers .
Quantifier is a kind of unit word that expresses person , thing or movement . Its main function is measuring .
The unit of a language is not , as was once commonly supposed , the word , But the sentence .
Any language in any combination of the words are not together , the word-linguistic unit must follow certain rules of language , combined into sentences .
A full writing system realizes the goal of a complete record of language by recording every smallest independent unit of the language system & word .
Based on the phonological model of the Shanghai dialect , we analyze three aspects of phonological acquisition : distinctive features , phonological units and word tier .
Spoken Chinese analysis lies in the center of interactive speech processing system . The smallest meaningful unit in Chinese language is the word , so word sense disambiguation is the basis of spoken Chinese analysis .
To overcome disadvantage of word classifier , the strategy and method of phrase classifier designing whose classification unit is phrase are proposed . The experiments results prove that phrase classifier is superior to word classifier in rate and speed of classification .
As to the matter of the relationship between different writing systems and languages , characters and words , it is generally considered that language is the symbol representing concept , while writing is the symbol expressing language , and that language and writing are respectively the referred and referent .
With the development of text linguistics , the unit of translation has shifted from word and sentence to text .
This paper probes into lexical semantics from three aspects , the ambiguity of word definition , lexical semantic units and the semantic relation within a word and its organizing .
Language is the language of words , upon which other units are based . The core of the language is the meaning . Without the study on the lexical meaning , one cannot grasp a word .
A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure .
This paper classifies lexical units into characters , words , phrases and sayings , and discusses their length .
Another languages have expression unit and the number of words , but generally confined to the unit of measurement and specific problems .
The acquisition order of phonological units is : segment syllable onset-rime CV word .