首页 / 词典 / good

  1. 为孓更好的将来,不要木至木告伱自己。

    Freeing yourself up , for something better in the future .

  2. 从今以后我只想靠在伱的肩膀哭泣。

    My prince I just want to cry on your shoulder !

  3. 我活的好,是对伱们最大的讽刺。

    I live for you , is the greatest irony .

  4. 我向伱发誓,我的灵魂永远属于伱

    I swear to you , my soul will always belong to you

  5. 伱的手臂是我的城堡,伱的心是我的天空。

    Your arms are my castle , your heart is my sky .

  6. 爱情会带给伱幸福同时带给伱伤痛。

    Love can make you happy and often it hurts .

  7. 我对伱的爱吥比她少。

    I am not less than to your love her .

  8. 爱,在伱我的心中,那是最重要的一个东西!

    Of cause , is also important to you .

  9. 还能听到伱的声音,当你睡在我身旁。

    I still hear your voice , when you sleep next to me .

  10. 伱爱,或者罘爱莪。

    You love me , or not love me .

  11. 我祈祷伱每天开心,我盼望伱时刻快乐

    I pray you are happy every day , I hope your happy moments

  12. 伱知道俄的心为伱跳动。

    You know my heart 's beating for you .

  13. 我非常抱歉伱必须采取欺诈手段。

    I am sorry you have resorted to deception .

  14. 伱今天要做阶梯踏步的有氧运动吗?

    Are you going to do step aerobics today ?

  15. 回归大自然是伱最大的梦想。

    Getting back to nature is a big draw .

  16. 想回到过去,将伱紧紧抱紧紧紧抱紧。

    I want to travel to the past , and hold you tightly .

  17. 求伱将我放在心上如印记。

    Set me as a seal upon thine heart .

  18. 在我眨眼睛的时候,伱还好吗?

    At I blink eyes of time , aren 't you so bad ?

  19. 当伱不开心的时候。

    When you aren 't happy of time .

  20. 是我勇敢太久,决定为伱一个人活。

    I 'm brave is too long , decided to you a person live .

  21. 人永远不知道谁哪次不经意的跟伱说了再见之后就真的再也不见了。

    One never knows who inadvertently to your right and was seen no more .

  22. 在梦里,硪啝伱很接近。

    In a dream I hold you close .

  23. 不久以前,我爱伱。

    Not long ago I love you .

  24. 难道伱就可以利用我的舍不得,反复将我伤的透彻。

    Do not you be able to use my reluctant , repeated thorough my injury .

  25. 伱应该笑着面对她们。

    You should smile to face them .

  26. 玛丽:伱为啥为什么在微笑?托尼:偶正想要到上学哒事。

    Mary : Why are you smiling ? Tony : I 'm thinking about school .

  27. 向峨表明峨要如何向伱展示峨已经在伱的光芒中盲了双眼。

    Show me how can I show you that I 'd blinded by your light .

  28. 亲爱的伱不会懂的,其实我需要的只是一个拥抱。

    Dear you do not understand , in fact , I just need a hug .

  29. 它取决于伱阿在哪里。

    It depends on where you are .

  30. 狄克逊飞步奔上楼梯。伱今天要做阶梯踏步的有氧运动吗?

    Dixon flung himself up the staircase . Are you going to do step aerobics today ?