首页 / 词典 / good

  • the other;another;that
  • 那,那个:~岸。此起~伏。

  • 他,对方:知己知~。~此。


(那; 那个) that; those; another; the other:

  • 彼地

    at that place;

  • 彼时

    at that time;

  • 此起彼伏

    as one falls, another rises;

  • 由此及彼

    proceed from one to the other


(对方; 他) the other party; he; him:

  • 知己知彼

    know both one's opponent and oneself;

  • 彼退我进。

    As he retreats, I march forward.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 彼安

    Bi An

  1. 彼愈于此。

    That one is better than this one .

  2. 史坦尼斯陛下无需向此大人彼大人哀求支持。

    Stannis does not need to beg this lord or that lord for support .

  3. 彼退我进。

    As he retreats , I march forward .

  4. 彼得病倒后一年不能上班。

    Peter broke down and was unable to work for a year .

  5. 果彼,企业界迫切须要败生的BPR实行技巧来指里其实践。

    Therefore , the business community urgent need mature BPR implementation technology to instruct its practice .

  6. 为彼,1990暮年,迈克人。哈默降出了业务流程再造(BPR)的观里。

    For this reason , Hammer M.proposed the view of Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) in1990 .

  7. 最近,派彼为英国广播公司BBC撰写了一篇文章,来分享她对间隔年义工的看法。

    Recently , Papi wrote a piece for the BBC sharing her view on gap year volunteering .

  8. 随后其一又把P强化为本语句假(Q),响应亦此亦彼悖论(R),携手挑战不矛盾律。

    Later one of them strengthened P as this sentence is false ( Q ), responding to this and that paradox ( R ), thus Q and R together challenging the law of non-contradiction .

  9. 生长的适宜pH值为6~8,最适pH值为7;不同氮源的培养基对菌落生长影响较大,其中以蛋白胨为氮源的查彼(Czapek)培养基最适合P。

    The suitable pH for mycelial growth is from 6 to 9 , with the optimum pH 7 . Peptone is the best carbon source in axenic culture .

  10. 果彼,基于特征的参数化技巧未败为当古CAID体解的从要依靠脚腕之一。

    So , the parametric design technique based on feature has become very important in most CAID systems .

  11. 运用现代时间序列分析方法对SA定位误差模型进行建模研究,并由此提出抗SA影响的卡尔曼德彼模型。

    This paper identifies SA error model by virtue of modern time series analysis theory , which results in the KF model for anti & SA . Based on it , two KF algorithms are given .

  12. 钟(AlexaChung)、俄罗斯超模娜塔莉亚??沃迪亚诺娃(NataliaVodianova)以及时装品牌ModaOperandi的联合创始人劳伦??桑托??多明戈(LaurenSantoDomingo)等。莲娜丽姿(NinaRicci)的创意总监彼得??

    British fashion icon Alexa Chung , Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova and Moda Operandi co-founder Lauren Santo Domingo , to name a few .

  13. 彼时彼地此时此地&哈尔滨工程大学21B教学实验楼方案设计理念同步辐射时间分辨荧光光谱技术

    Another ground at that time , this place at this moment & The design of 21B building of Harbin Engineering University

  14. 如果我们试问某物与别物之间的区别,就会见得两者是同一的,两者之间的这种同一性,在拉丁文便用aliud-aliud〔彼-此〕来表示。

    If we now ask for the difference between something and another , it turns out that they are the same : which sameness is expressed in Latin by calling the pair aliad aliud .

  15. 用高管教练马歇尔戈德史密斯(MarshallGoldsmith)话来说:“让你抵达此处的东西不会让你抵达彼处。”作者们表示,问题不在于你是否有保质期(的确有),而在于如何延长你的技能的保质期。

    As Marshall Goldsmith , the executive coach , is quoted as saying : " What got you here won 't get you there . " The authors say the question is not whether you have a sell-by date . ( You do . ) Rather , it is how to extend the shelf life of your skills .

  16. “彼得,”他严厉地训诫他的学生彼得道。

    " peter ," he sternly admonished peter , his student .

  17. 彼:亨利,今天早上你听到天气预报没有?

    Did you hear the weather forecast this morning , Henry ?

  18. 记住,彼时彼刻,

    Remember , that on that day , at that hour ,

  19. 果彼,剔除那些数据非完齐无必要的。

    Therefore , the exclusion of these data is absolutely necessary .

  20. 彼仔,蒂莎是珍的妹妹。

    Oh . Pedro , Tess happens to beJane 's sister .

  21. 彼时彼刻,我真的感受到了父爱。

    I did feel a father 's love at that time .

  22. 其前身是义乌市彼洋水晶工艺品厂。

    The forefather is Yiwu city biyang crystal artwork factory .

  23. 君子信不当以彼易此也。

    So , a gentleman would not exchange one for the other .

  24. 教育公平与和谐社会是非此无彼、由此及彼的关系。

    The relationship between education equality and harmonious society is related closely .

  25. 彼将曰‘敬弟。’

    He will say ," To my younger brother . "

  26. 彼亦为本集团旗下多间附属公司之董事。

    He is also a director of various subsidiaries within our Group .

  27. 彼为本集团的创办人之一。

    He is one of the founders of the Group .

  28. 此人乌云盖顶,彼人艳阳满天。

    What is one mans cloud is another mans sunshine .

  29. 别为了丢失踊支彼就这样大惊小怪。

    Don 't make so much fuss over losing pen .

  30. 彼年时光,早已回不到最初旳模样。

    For years , already could not return to the original appearance .