
  • 网络peter
  1. 现在这为何会发生在《彼得后书》里?

    Now how does this happen in2 Peter ?

  2. 彼得后书提到的「末后的日子」,是指耶稣第一次来到世上和第二次再来之间的这段时间。

    The last days mentioned in2 Peter is the time between the first and second comings of Jesus into our world .

  3. 我们讲过《彼得后书》的作者,把保罗的书信称为经文。

    We 've seen how the writer of2 Peter will talk about Paul 's letters as scripture .

  4. 再一次,这表明,《彼得后书》的作者生活在,基督教圣经出现的时候。

    Again , what this shows us is that the author of2 Peter is living in a time when we actually see the beginning of Christian scripture coming about .

  5. 还记得吗,上次我讲过《彼得后书》如何用《犹大书》,作为它自己的模板,作者引用《犹大书》的句子。

    Remember I talked about how2 Peter uses this letter of Jude as a model for his own letter , and he quotes stuff out of out , takes stuff out of it .

  6. 最后一个要讲的有意思的内容是,把你们的手指放在《彼得后书》里,但我们要去看看犹大书,翻到《犹大书》,就在《启示录》前面。

    Then one last thing that is interesting to talk about , keep your finger there in2 Peter but we 're going to look at Jude so flip over to Jude which is right before Revelation .

  7. 圣经称挪亚为传义道的(彼得后书2:5)。在长达120年的时间里,神通过挪亚的传道和所建的方舟努力地提醒人们。

    The Bible calls Noah a preacher of righteousness . ( II Peter 2 : 5 ) For 120 years God was trying to warn the people through Noah 's preaching and through seeing the ark being built .

  8. 换言之,《彼得后书》的作者不仅知道保罗的书信,他还知道《犹大书》,把《犹大书》当资料来源,他抄了其中一些内容。

    In other words , the author of2 Peter doesn 't only know the letters of Paul , he knows Jude also , and he 's using Jude as a source , and he copies some of that out .

  9. 但在《彼得后书》里,作者删掉了一些,《犹大书》中不符合正典的东西,他认为不是真正的圣经中的东西。

    One of the things , though , 2 Peter did was , he took out the stuff that that he found in Jude that was not canonical , that he didn 't believe was part of the real Bible .

  10. 他引用我们圣经中没有,但犹太文献中有的东西,可能因此《彼得后书》才删掉了这处引用,他不想在他的信里引用《摩西升天记》的内容。

    He 's citing a Jewish document that 's not in the Bible that we use and it may be that that 's why the2 Peter took that reference out He didn 't want the Assumption of Moses being cited in this text .

  11. 彼得后书3章9节告诉我们“主不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改。”无论住在什么地方,无论说什么语言,神爱你并要救你脱离罪恶!

    II Peter 3 : 9 says , " The Lord is ... not willing that any should perish , but that all should come to repentance . " No matter what part of the world , or what language you speak , God loves you and wants to save you from sin !

  12. 你可以去读一读彼得前书和彼得后书。

    Take time to read I and II Peter in your Bible !