
  • 网络perm;PEE-Bolshoye Savino
  1. 彼尔姆发动机制造联合体的燃气轮机技术

    Gas Turbine Technology of Perm Engine Manufacturing Complex

  2. 事件发生在莫斯科以东700英里的彼尔姆市。

    It happened in the city of Perm , 700 miles east of Moscow .

  3. 它滚动了大约150英尺远,跑到了彼尔姆的大街上。

    It rolled about 150 feet out of the facility and into the streets of Perm .

  4. 9月14日,一架波音737客机在降落时坠毁于俄罗斯中部城市彼尔姆附近,机上88名乘客和机组人员全部遇难。

    September 14 : A Boeing-737 crashes on landing near the central Russian city of Perm , killing all 88 passengers and crew members on board .

  5. 而在这个月,俄罗斯彼尔姆的一个大型滚动机器人企图从受奴役的生活中逃跑,但是可惜的是,它失败了。

    And just this month , a large , rolling bot in Perm , Russia attempted to escape a life of servitude , and failed pitifully .