- bad debt

[bad debt] 会计上指无法收回的应收账款、长期借款、其它应收款等
The merchant bank is being weighed down by a £ 1.3 billion book of bad debts .
Strengthen customers ' management , reduce accounts receivable and reduce the risk of corporate bad debts . 5 .
The Policy of Accounting and Tax Adopted on Bad Debit in Financial Enterprises
Thousands of businesses have gone bankrupt , property prices have collapsed and banks and state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) are riddled with bad debts .
The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account On the other hand , as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts , they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability .
No provision for doubtful debts shall be withdrawn on the trust loans .
He included some bad debts among his assets .
Tax policy of bank loan-losses is the key issue of corporate income tax of bank .
Therefore , there are few income and great bad loans in the rural finance causing lots of financial problems .
The clear risk is that politically directed lending creates more overcapacity , poor rates of return and future bad loans for banks .
Passing the analysis of the current accounting and tax policy for bad debit in Chinese financial enterprises , We will discover the existent problems .
Loan losses are high , but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits .
Our commercial banks have been deeply obsessed by bad debts for a long time and what they worry about is no repayment , not prepayment .
A financial enterprise does not have to set aside bad debt reserve for any entrusted loans , of which it does not bear the risk .
After decades of mismanagement , by the late1990s perhaps a third of all loans were sour , most of them owed by zombie state-owned enterprises .
And help 2 million children in China 's rural areas stay at school . The company had make a $ 2m provision for bad debt .
Now , there are some serious problems of excessive expenditure , unclear expenditure on special funds , confused management on financial bills , bad debts , etc.
Business by strengthening supervision and strict control over use of funds and other means , our bad debt rate of commercial bank loans decreased , increased profits .
People unemployed , mortgages and all kinds of credit card loaned have become doubtful and bad debts , The more developed credit , the harm is more serious .
He said the agreement generally increases regulation of the financial system , and calls for banks to keep larger reserves to cover losses from bad loans and failed investments .
Excessive overestimation and long time financial mortgage loan bring the financial institution more and more bad debt loss in the future , which influence the financial institution ' real property .
Judged by standard measures of banking distress , such as the amount of non-performing loans , America 's troubles are probably worse than those in any developed-country crash bar Japan 's.
Yet coming after the extraordinary rise in lending seen in2009 , a further massive expansion of credit would increase the threat of loans turning bad and of a future banking-sector crisis .
Many a risk is confronted with the present banking industry : serious doubtful accounts in the banking system , unsmooth circulation of financial capital , risks in China 's stock market , etc.
If such factors as increases in business tax and in the drawing of bad debt reserve requirement are taken into account , State-owned commercial banks would have recorded greater profits last year .
For the time being , Chinas state-owned commercial banks are not in a position to be listed because of their poor administrative performance , high percentage of non-collectible accounts , low profits .
The write-offs are to reduce the mortgage burden of survivors and help reconstruction efforts in Sichuan , the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) said in a statement on its website .
On tax policy scope , to embody the neuter principle of tax , it is suggested that we use Write-off Method to recognize and deduct bad debt losses instead of Provision Method .
The condition of accounts receivable in Chinese enterprises is always unoptimistic : arrears of overdue accounts receivable , high ratio of stagnant debts and bad debts , a serious deterioration in assets quality .
This article analyzes the development of account receivable as well as causes and risks of bad debt , and then puts forward risk index system , control system and some measures to avoid risks .