
dāi zhì
  • dull;inert;lifeless;sluggish;vague;idle
呆滞 [dāi zhì]
  • (1) [dull]∶行动、动作或反应迟钝的

  • 他那呆滞的头脑

  • (2) [vague]∶无表情的

  • 跳着舞,眼光呆滞,无精打采

  • (3) [sluggish;idle]∶经济上不活跃或商品、股票等滞销的

  • 呆滞的市面

呆滞[dāi zhì]
  1. 她目光呆滞。

    Her eyes were dull .

  2. 他看上去目光呆滞,茫然若失。

    His eyes looked dull , almost vacuous .

  3. 他显得满脸通红,目光呆滞。

    He looked flushed and glassy-eyed .

  4. 她最后清醒了一会儿,眼神呆滞。

    With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant .

  5. 医生们目光呆滞地坐在电视机前一支接一支地抽着烟。

    Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set

  6. 她眼神呆滞。

    There was a glazed look in her eyes .

  7. 他纹丝不动,目光呆滞。

    He was very still , his eyes glassy

  8. 她目光呆滞,仿佛沉浸在那天的记忆当中。

    Her eyes were unfocused , as if she were staring inside at her memories of the day .

  9. “他的眼神呆滞?”——“还双眼圆睁,泪汪汪的。”——“谢谢!”

    ' His eyes were glassy ? ' — ' And dilated . They were watery . ' — ' Thank you . '

  10. 看到她时,他的目光就变得呆滞

    His eyes glazed over at the sight of her .

  11. 那种呆滞的样子吓坏了他的朋友们

    The general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends .

  12. 电视脸的特征是:嘴张开,下巴下垂,目光呆滞,有时候还会有口水滴下来。

    Symptoms are : open mouth , dropped jaw over and occasional drooling .

  13. 一成不变的工作造成的使人呆滞的后果

    the stultifying effects of work that never varies

  14. 销售人员使用“漂移时刻”不是指潜在买家目光呆滞,而是说买家目光游离,开始设想这种产品会如何使生活变好。

    Sales people use this expression to refer not to a potential buyer ’ s eyes glazing1 over in boredom2 but to the moment when the buyer drifts off into imagining how Product X will make life somehow better .

  15. 本文首先对稳定状态下,三种气体A、B、C同时通过第四种呆滞气体&空气a的单向扩散,导出了A、B、C三种气体的摩尔扩散率计算公式;

    This report derived the unidirectional diffusive equations of three gases A , B and C simultaneously passing through a stagnant air a in the stable states .

  16. 如果你目光呆滞,嘴巴张开,就说明你有一张“computerface”(电脑脸),就好像你一直盯着电视机或电脑屏幕那样。

    You have a " computer face " if you have eyes that looked glazed over and an open mouth , like you have been staring at a TV or computer screen .

  17. 最后,结合R电子股份有限公司案例背景、呆滞物料产生、管理及处理的实际情况,从理论和实际两方面,系统的为电子制造企业的呆滞物料管理优化提供一定的借鉴和参考。

    At last , combining with the R Electronics ' background and dead inventory produce , management and handling , systematically offer reference and experience for electronic manufacturing industry dead inventory management optimization in theory and fact the two aspects .

  18. 临界二元树CBT(CriticalBinaryTree)作为描述电路功能的一种方法,可以用于呆滞型故障模型的电路功能级测试生成。其基于知识的树结构特别适用于专家系统环境〔1〕。

    Critical Binary Tree ( CBT ) is a functional representation scheme of circuits which may be used for circuit functional test generation based on stuck-at fault models , and its knowledge-based tree structure is especially fit for expert system environment [ 1 ] .

  19. 一旦你们的话题转向谷克多(JeanCocteau)或易卜生(HenrikIbsen),贝叶挂毯(BayeuxTapestry)或乔姆斯基(NoamChomsky),他呆滞的表情不会让你觉得赏心悦目。

    When the conversation turns to Jean Cocteau or Henrik Ibsen , the Bayeux Tapestry or Noam Chomsky , you won 't find that glazed look that comes over his face at all appealing .

  20. 北京桩机存货管理主要存在BOM变动频繁且不准确、采购生产和销售环节计划执行率低以及产品停产造成呆滞存货过多等问题。

    Beijing pile driver , inventory management , primarily in changes in frequency and not an accurate BOM , procurement of production and marketing of the low rate of implementation of the plan , and product cut-off excess inventory caused by the sluggish and so on .

  21. x100是一台令人诧异得蛋疼的相机。它综合了优秀的画质,坚实的做工以及超绝的取景器,同时也包含了呆滞的操作,奇怪并且充满了缺陷的固件。

    The X100 is an exasperating conundrum of a camera , combining excellent image quality , solid build and a superb viewfinder with sluggish operation and eccentric , buggy firmware .

  22. 小剂量As2O3组在小鼠厌食、消瘦、呆滞等毒副作用方面明显低于中、高剂量组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。

    There were no significant difference among three different dose of As_2O_3-treatment group ( P > 0.05 ) . The side-effects in low-dose group were significantly lower than those in normal and high-dose groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 但是,此刻她的眼睛中有种呆滞。

    But now there was a dull stare in her eyes .

  24. 他应该要试图唤醒学生的懒散和呆滞的本能。

    He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties .

  25. 他呆滞、无神的双眼凝视着那街道。

    He gazed at the street with dull , glassy eyes .

  26. 她呆滞无神的黑眼珠盯在那张死灰冰冷的脸上。

    Her dull black eyes fixed upon the gray cold face .

  27. 呆滞的灰色、棕色和轻柔色调已被摈弃了。

    Banished are the dull gray and brown and pastel shades .

  28. 求出了呆滞空间沼气传质方程的解析解,据此阐述了沼气积聚的空间、时间概念;

    Thus the conception of accumulation space and time is expounded .

  29. 哈利发现其他老师的笑容变得十分呆滞。

    Harry noticed that the other teachers'smiles had become rather fixed .

  30. 橡胶市场的呆滞使交易量大为减少。

    The dullness of the rubber market has caused business to decrease .