
dāi zhàng
  • bad debt;uncollectible accounts;dead loan
  1. 呆帐费用在增加期间的结果。

    Results in bad debt expense being increased during the period .

  2. 该公司已注销了三万英镑的呆帐。

    The company had write off 30.000p in bad debt .

  3. 同时,论文还实证演示了VaR模型的应用分析方法,为农行信贷风险的测量和呆帐准备金制度的改革提供了参考。

    Thirdly , it empirically demonstrates the VaR Method , which provides reference for quantifying the credit risks and reform of bed debt reserves system .

  4. 此外,销售代表必须确保所有涉及到客户服务、服务缺失的弥补和呆帐管理方面的问题,都有DHL相关部门的负责人及时协调管理和解决。

    In addition , the Sales Rep will ensure that all customer issues relating to customer service , service recovery and credit control are coordinated and managed through the relevant DHL departments .

  5. 商业银行的风险管理应建立呆帐准备金、资本充足率、存款保险制度三道防线,在商业银行内部需要建立以VaR为基础的风险评估框架模型,使资本和风险匹配更加精确。

    Three lines of defenses should be set up in the bank risk-management , which are loss loan provisioning , capital adequacy and deposit insurance . A risk evaluation frame in the bank based on VaR should be founded to match the capital and risk more accurately .

  6. 防范银行呆帐损失的思考

    Thinking on taking precautions against losses of bad BEBTS in the bank

  7. 上级们开关于呆帐的会。

    It 's a meeting with the higher-ups on these bad loans .

  8. 呆帐准备金制度&银行防范风险的要途

    Bad Debt Reserve System & A Key Means for Banks to Reduce Risks

  9. 收呆帐往往是件棘手的事。

    Collecting bad debts is often a difficult affair .

  10. 永平铜矿应收帐款管理和呆帐预防的探讨

    Probe into management of receivables and prevention of bad debt in Yongping Copper Mine

  11. 现行银行贷款呆帐准备金制度存在的问题及对策

    The problems of the present dead loan reserve fund system in banks and their countermeasures

  12. 呆帐准备金制度是银行核心的经营管理制度之一。

    The bad debt reserve system is one core of the management system in finance enterprises .

  13. 论我国呆帐准备金制度的未来选择

    A discussion about the future choice of the system of reserve for bad debts in China

  14. 一旦适配器妥善呆帐,拔下湾电缆由你的网络路由器。

    Once the adapter is properly provisioned , disconnect the WAN cable from your network router .

  15. 变债权为股权&对处理银行呆帐贷款问题的探讨

    Change Crediter 's Rights into Equities & To Solve Problem of Disposing Bad Debt in Banks

  16. 相反地,在这光亮的客厅里,一切都显得安详、平淡,而且稍有些滑稽。那稽查员反对的说:「呆帐?

    Instead , in the bright drawing-room , all seemed serene , anti-climactic , and slightly comic .

  17. 防雷技术服务费用回收难,出现呆帐、坏帐等;

    Account receivables from the lightning protection services became difficult to realize or sometimes even became bad debts .

  18. 保尔森财长说,这些措施需要立法,以便应对这些金融公司所持有的房产呆帐。

    Secretary Paulson says the measures will require legislation to deal with the bad housing debt held by financial companies .

  19. 商业银行应当按照国家有关规定,提取呆帐准备金,冲销呆帐。

    Commercial banks should draw bad debt reserve funds to reverse the bad debt in accordance with relevant state regulations .

  20. 令他大吃一惊的新卡,打开新的贷款,叶长径的呆帐在你的名字。

    He gets new cards , opens new loans , and leaves a long trail of unpaid bills in your name .

  21. 商业银行应当建立、健全本行对存款、贷款、结算、呆帐等各项情况的稽核、检查制度。

    Commercial banks should establish and improve their own auditing and checking system on deposits , loans , account settling and bad debts .

  22. 也许这些呆帐产生的原因是有一些故意不去还这笔钱,不去还贷而造成的呆坏帐的现象。

    Perhaps these bad reasons there are some intentionally do not have the money , not to bad debt repayment caused the phenomenon .

  23. 第五,实行谨慎会计原则,建立完善呆帐准备金的计提和冲销制度。

    Fifth , prudent accounting principles will be adopted , and a complete system for withdrawing and writing off bad debt reserve fund established .

  24. 随着银行呆帐、坏帐的不断增加,银行信贷风险管理已成为一个日趋重要的问题。

    With banks stagnant debts , bad debts escalation increased , the bank credit risk administration already becomes a more and more important problem .

  25. 贷款呆帐准备金制度是国际上商业银行普遍采用的弥补贷款损失的制度。

    The system of the loan reserve for bad debts is universally adopted by the commercial banks to offset the bad debt loss of loans .

  26. 城市商业银行发生的呆帐贷款,可按照权限尽量集中的原则,由各级国家税务局按规定分别审批。

    The bad loans of urban commercial banks may be examined and approved individually by state taxation bureaus at all levels under the principle of concentrating authorities .

  27. 另外,要求企业对于已经记录但可能收不到的的税费做出谨慎评估,此类费用被称为呆帐。

    In addition , companies are required to make prudent estimates against revenues that are recorded but may not be received , called a bad debt expense .

  28. 目前,许多企业应收款项长期居高不下,造成资金大量“沉淀”,呆帐、坏帐增多,影响了企业正常生产,加强对应收款项的管理十分迫切。

    At present , many enterprises receivables are high enough in the long run , which results the capitals too much " deposition " and bad debts .

  29. 通过金融业与工业企业呆帐准备金制度的比较找出其存在的问题,并提出完善金融业准备金制度的建议。

    This paper finds the problems through the comparison between the finance and industry enterprises . and puts forward a proposal to make the reserves system of finance industry .

  30. 对中国银行业风险状况主要从四大国有商业银行的资产质量、资本充足率、贷款呆帐准备金规模和盈利能力等几个方面展开了系统分析。

    Risk profile and financial strength of Chinese four state-owned commercial banks in terms of asset quality , capital adequacy , bad loan reserves and profitability are analyzed in systematic way .