
  • 网络capital inflow
  1. 最近10多年来FDI(ForeignDirectinvestment,外国直接投资)在中国的资本流入中扮演着越来越突出的角色。

    FDI ( foreign direct investment ) is playing a more and more important role in Chinese domestic capital inflow during the recent 10 years .

  2. 资产价格飙升,借贷增加,并且资本流入增长。

    Asset prices soar , borrowing increases and the capital inflow grows .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,此类举措是一种“在特定情况下控制资本流入的合法手段”。

    The International Monetary Fund says such controls are " a legitimate part of the toolkit to manage capital inflows in certain circumstances " .

  4. 对于资本流入国来说,FDI带来的不仅仅是资金,还有先进的技术、科学的管理方式和更加开放的市场。

    To the capital-inflows-country , FDI dose not only bring in the capital , but also the advanced technology , the scientific management methods and the more opening markets .

  5. 所以我们认为,即使非FDI(外商直接投资)资本流入因为管制加强而在年内剩余时间减慢,人民币也将继续面临升值压力。

    Therefore , we think the RMB will continue to face appreciation pressures , even as non-FDI capital inflows slow in the remainder of the year on tighter controls .

  6. 如果没有援助也没有大规模私人资本流入,欧洲央行(ecb)就必须进一步提高敞口。

    Without assistance and in the absence of significant private capital inflows , the European Central Bank would have to increase its exposure even further .

  7. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)估计,从现在起到2030年之间,缅甸的潜力能够吸引约1700亿美元的资本流入。

    Myanmar 's potential could attract about $ 170 billion in capital inflows between now and 2030 , McKinsey estimates .

  8. 其他方面,尽管今年迄今为止印度卢比兑美元汇率已累计升值11%,加之政府数次试图限制资本流入,但印度央行(reservebankofindia)所面临的压力并未减轻。

    Elsewhere , pressure on the Reserve Bank of India has not eased despite an 11 per cent rise in the rupee so far this year against the dollar and several attempts at restricting capital inflows .

  9. IMF说由于持续的资本流入和低利率一起收紧了房产供应,香港的资产泡沫的风险在不断积聚。

    The IMF said it sees increasing risk of a property bubble in Hong Kong due to continued liquidity inflows and low interest rates coupled with tight housing supply .

  10. 这些是相对稳定的资本流入来源,甚至可能是中性的或轻微反周期性的(countercyclical)。

    These are relatively stable sources of inflow and are even likely to be neutral or slightly countercyclical .

  11. 他呼吁20国集团(G20)进行全盘交易(grandbargain),其中盈余国家促进国内需求,辅之以汇率调整和游戏规则(这一条出人意料),以控制资本流入。

    He called for a grand bargain in the Group of 20 leading economies in which the surplus countries boosted domestic demand , together with exchange rate adjustments and , surprisingly , rules of the game to control capital inflows .

  12. imf的约翰逊表示,大量的资本流入正推动亚洲、中欧、拉美和非洲新兴经济体的货币升值,带来了短期的经济繁荣局面,但如果照此趋势继续发展下去,就很可能造成经济衰退。

    Mr Johnson at the IMF says a flood of capital inflows is pushing up the currencies of emerging economies in Asia , Central Europe , Latin America and Africa creating short-run economic good times but high chances of a bust further along the road .

  13. 根据这项尚未成为IMF正式政策的指导方针,如果一国的货币没有被低估、拥有充足的外汇储备且无法使用货币或财政政策,那它就可以控制资本流入。

    According to the guidelines , which are not yet official Fund policy , countries can control capital inflows when their currency is not undervalued , when they have adequate foreign exchange reserves and when they are unable to use monetary or fiscal policy instead .

  14. 这种压力将直指中国。尽管中国是大量长期资本流入的净接受国,但其经常账户盈余已超过GDP的7%,而且中国正进行大规模干预以压低币值。

    This pressure would be directed against China , which is running a current-account surplus of more than 7 per cent of GDP , in spite of being a net recipient of substantial long-term capital inflows , and is also engaged in huge intervention aimed at keeping its currency down .

  15. 佐利克在新加坡举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会间歇表示:东亚的银行传统上会追随美联储(Fed),因为如果它们(独自)提高利率,将会吸引资本流入,从而导致它们的货币升值。

    Mr Zoellick said on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Singapore : Traditionally the central banks in east Asia will follow the [ US ] Federal Reserve because if they raise interest rates [ independently ] , that will draw capital and appreciate their currencies .

  16. 随后本文运用Johansen协整检验模型、Granger因果检验及脉冲响应函数等方法,选取1985年至2008年的相应数据,对国际资本流入与国有控股商业银行脆弱性关系进行实证研究。

    This paper use Johansen cointegration test model , Granger causality test and impulse response function , Select from 1985 to 2008 the corresponding figure , Empirical studies of international capital flows and the vulnerability of state-owned commercial banks Relations .

  17. 由亚开行首席经济学家李钟和(Jong-WhaLee)负责编写的该报告表示,亚洲发展中国家复苏的速度和势头,加上大多数发达国家目前的低利率,推动了巨额短期资本流入前者。

    The review , overseen by ADB chief economist Jong-Wha Lee , said the speed and strength of the recovery in developing Asia , together with low interest rates in most developed countries , was prompting huge short-term capital inflows .

  18. 此类资本流入往往会造成经济体内的货币错配。

    Such inflows tend to create currency mismatches within the economy .

  19. 国际短期资本流入:影响因素及政策建议

    The Effect Analysis About Inflow of Short-term International Capital In China

  20. 第三、国际金融资本流入对经济体系具有显著的经济效应。

    Thirdly , international financial capital plays a significant role in economy .

  21. 央行加强了对资本流入的控制。

    The central bank has strengthened controls on capital inflows .

  22. 在资本流入的同时,葡萄牙移民人数也在不断增加。

    These inflows have been accompanied by growing numbers of Portuguese emigrants .

  23. 90年代发展中国家国际资本流入的新特点及其影响

    New Features of International Capital Flowing into Developing Countries in 1990 's

  24. 西部大开发资本流入的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis on Capital Inflow in the Western Development

  25. 资本流入对国内福利的影响

    Research on the influence of capital inflows on home welfare

  26. 他们不太可能希望对资本流入征税。

    They are unlikely to want to tax its entry .

  27. 一些新型经济体将重新引入或加强对资本流入的管控。

    Several emerging economies will reintroduce or strengthen controls on capital inflows .

  28. 资本流入规模正常,但期限结构不够合理;

    The scale of capital inflows is proper while the structure is unreasonable ;

  29. 而新兴市场国家近年来净资本流入呈下降的趋势。

    The net capital inflows to the EMs has the trend of decrease .

  30. 然而,对外国资本流入中国的报道却比较少。

    Less , however , is reported on foreign money flowing into China .